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You and your fall down guys and chemical reactions...

What do you call a band that doesn't play?

A rubber band


My Chemical Romance


Ultimate Pickup Line: I listen to Fall Out Boy.

Even More Ultimate Pickup Line: I know the people in Fall Out Boy.

Most Ultimate Pickup line Ever: I'm in Fall Out Boy.


*wears pajamas all day*

*showers at 10:00 pm*

*changes into new pajamas*


R.I.P to all the "we have to hang out this summer"s that never happened.


Shout out to people who write answers in the text books.


We all have that one friend that is stick thin but eats like an elephant.



Endangered Species.

If one is found please contact the nearest Fangirl.



Imagine Will having one of those YouTube vlogs where he just yells about how terrible book to movie adaptations are.

Most girls look for their prince.....

but smart girls look for their Shadowhunter.

Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: Izzy

Looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: Alec

Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll: Clary

Looks like they could kill you and would actually kill you: Jace

THE cinnamon roll: Magnus


What did one orphan say to another?

     "Robin, get in the Batmobile."


And here I was thinking Ariana Grande was a font this whole time.


Home isn't where the heart is. It's where you fully understand how the shower works.


A good friend calls you in jail.

A great friend bails you out of jail.

Your best friend sits next to you and says, "Wasn't that fun?"


If some people were on fire I would happily toast marshmallows.


Five word horror story:

Your favorite character is dead.


I want a bf :/

And by bf I mean Benjamin Franklin as in a 100 dollar bill.


Guy: Can I borrow a pen?

Girl: Sure.

Guy: It doesn't work.

Girl: Yes it does.

Guy: Oh really? Then try writing your number here.


What if they printed books with glow in the dark ink so you could stay up late reading, but you wouldn't have to use a flashlight/book light so it wouldn't be so obvious.


I was bored. I am bored.


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