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Ezeo walked over to Damian and held his shoulders tightly.

"Damian, if you're oversleeping like this due to the effects of the drugs, you should see the doctor!"

Damian frowned and let go of Ezeo's hand roughly.

"Brother, I hate doctors and will never see a doctor."

Damian said that and pushed Ezeo out of his room.

However, Ezeo, who practiced swordsmanship every day, couldn't be easily pushed around by the weak Damian.

"Damian, it's for your own good! Stop refusing to see the doctor!"
"I don't want to! Ahh!"

Because Ezeo couldn't be pushed by Damian, Damian lost his balance and his waist was hit by the headboard of the table.

"Don't touch me! Get out of my room!"

Ezeo allowed himself to be pushed by Damian because he didn't want Damian to get hurt any further.


Damian slammed the door right in Ezeo's face.

"Damian, I'll be back with the doctor. Like it or not, you should let the doctor check on you."

Ezeo looked at Langa and Raven who were standing still.

"Langa, Raven, come in."

Damian's voice sounded cold.


Ezeo muttered and both shook their heads.  Because the panicked Ezeo went straight to Damian, the two of them would be punished to get rid of his anger.

Ezeo walked weakly as the two entered Damian's room and closed the door.

"Aren't you two going to kneel? Have you got your head up?"

They both just looked down and knelt.  Raven just obeyed and Langa looked like he was used to this kind of treatment.

Damian held Langa's chin.

"You are a sword master, how can you not realize Ezeo is near you?"


Damian slapped Langa's cheek hard.

Langa looked calm while Damian looked at his palm.

Then he saw Langa's cheeks weren't even red.

"Master, is your hand okay?"
“Tsk, that sword master’s strength sure knows how to piss me off.”

Damian clicked his tongue when he felt his hand hurt from hitting Langa with his bare hands.

Damian grabbed the whip that was on the bed and lifted Langa's head with it.

"Take off your clothes."

Langa did it as easily as if he had done it before.

Raven could see so many scars on Langa's body.  That includes a scar with the number 34 on his arm.

"Was I so gentle with you all this time that you forgot your place?"

Langa smiled.

"No way. Master, I will always be your slave."

Smack! Smack! Smack!

The sound of a whip rang out as Damian whipped Langa hard.


Damian felt tired while whipping Langa.  Langa only showed a calm face without the slightest sign of pain.

Damian finally looked at Raven.  Raven who saw that just smiled.

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