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Everyone did their routine as usual.

"Ahhh... These chosen ones suck. I want to beat them."

Clarion scowled as he read the newspaper in his bed.

"You can?"

Raven asked Clarion who was reading the newspaper curiously.

"No. I'm too young to beat them. But if it's you, I can."

Raven's pride as an animal controller was pricked.

But what Clarion said wasn't wrong.  He was the weakest selected power and in history died the earliest after a dragon controller because a dragon killed him.

"But, I can ask other dragons to help. Dragons hate all the chosen ones, remember?"

Raven and Langa got goosebumps.  One dragon is already troublesome.  Don't add to their work anymore!

They saw Damian who was focused on writing something to listen to their chat.

If Damian heard it, he would also run away.  He could still calm Clarion, but a grown dragon?

Damian didn't even have the balls to meet them.

"What are you doing?"

Raven asked and Damian let out a short sigh.

"I'm an introvert, right?"

Raven tilted his head in confusion.

"What is it?"

Langa approached Damian.

Damian crumpled the paper he had written on.

"That incident at the bakery the other day pissed off the bastard and spread rumors that I'm not an introvert but don't see people below me as people."

Damian massaged his head feeling a headache.

"What's the problem with that?"

Clarion asked confused.  Would people not come to him then?

"If I wasn't an introvert, other nobles would try to curry favor with me and try to get close to me. I am the current emperor's favorite grandson."


The three saw the problem now.

"So what did you write?"
"Just practicing writing after all this time. I have to reply to letters that for me, right?"

Damian scribed some paper again.


Raven asked confused.

"Wouldn't you be able to burn it as usual?"

Damian shook his head.

"The first person to write to me must be my mother's uncle."

Langa finally understood.

"That uncle who always tries to use you for his benefit? Wasn't the last time he wanted to marry you off to his daughter?"

Raven's face darkened when he heard that.

Damian nodded and looked at Clarion.


"And he is an elf. It wouldn't be good if I didn't reply to his letters."


Clarion hid under the blanket as he heard the word 'elves' from Damian's mouth.

"What is it?"

Raven asked as he picked up the paper Damian threw away.

It was Damian's handwriting!  It would be a shame if it was just thrown away and turned into firewood!

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