Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Warning: OOC, random craziness, abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, cannibals, baby/children death, racism mention profanity, suicidal moments, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, cringe, yandere, and bad flirts. Whatever else will be mention later on?

Error/ Kotoha Hashibira speaking/thoughts


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"This should do." Error pull out a carrot from the ground.  Clean them up as they start to pack the food up. Inosuke close by patting and playing with two blaster pups.

Error decided for the pair of them to stay a few days in the dimension. To plant the new food they bought. Along with checking how everything else is too. Plus, some training.

Yes, training.

As crazy as it sounds Error use to do training back in the Anti-Void. Not just with their magic but physically too. Skeletons monsters are a lot stronger than they look. Well, depending on if you do training or not. Sure, Error stronger than a normal one, not just counting because the role, but that from training and fighting.

Lots, lots of fighting.

Now their skeleton monster form is fine. After forcing to stay down and not overdo it. But the human form.


Odd sense if the fish carcass person was around and heard that. Would have said that bullshit!

No, fish carcass here besides the fishes they found and caught. Then let them stay in the portal dimension. Seem to be doing well in the environment of water.

Anyway back at hand. Did a few training work out like stretches, core build up and cardio. It was funny to watch Inosuke try to copy them.

Like if Error laying down and work on legs, hip thrust with some stretching. Inosuke would be laying on their back and grabbing their feet.

Then Error fears and anxiety risen up as they start to crawl.

Do you know how hard it is to baby proof the place? Very hard even with magic. Felt like their heart burst a few time. While the little piglet would laugh at them.

"You are a menace." Stare down at him.

Inosuke blew a raspberry at them and laughed.

"Cheeky little mess." Poke their tummy and got another happy squeal.


Stop and look down at them. "What?"

The baby grab their hair and munch on it. The big green eyes staring up at them.

Stare at them for a bit and shake their head. Must have imagine that.

Besides that so far everything been good.

Till they started teething.

Not fun at all. But able to work something out. Aka codes. Made sure a cold teething ring was close by.

Were now about to head back out and explore. Or do something. Error has no clue yet.

"Come on you." Scoop up Inosuke. Recheck everything still good.

Baby. Check.

Bag with baby food. Check

Diapers. Check.

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