Chapter Three

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***A/N there'll be smut in this story starting in this chapter. I won't be putting warnings. Just to make you all aware going forward***

"game on" she grinned as she spun the bottle all looking with wide eyes as it landed on the Italian who was sitting biting her lip.

"Are you ok with this Ste... Carina?" The Latina laughed. "Yeah of course, bring it on" Stefania said jumping to her feet, removing her shirt and lying on the dining table. "Ok" Callie breathed out. She walked slowly over to the Italian grabbing the salt & a slice of lime as she went. "Are you sure you're ok with this?" She asked one last time. Stefania didn't answer but nodded eagerly. Callie smiled and bent down not dropping eye contact. She licked over the Italian's chest and sprinkled the salt where her tongue had been. "Open" she whispered as she slid a slice of lime into Stefania's mouth. Finally she grabbed the bottle of tequila pouring it and letting it pool in the Italian's belly button. "Ready?" She winked as she dipped her head licking the salt and sucking the tequila before moving up to Stefania's lips and capturing the lime in her own mouth. Their lips touched and they both felt the spark of electricity that coursed through their body. Their eyes met and as if there was an unspoken agreement between them they decided that now was not the time. They parted to cheers erupting from the guys.

"That was hot!" Ruiz grinned as he swigged on a bottle of beer. "Woah Callie as much as I do think that was hot, Arizona would flip if she knew about it" Alex said. "Arizona would flip?! Are you joking Karev?? She's been fucking Murphy, so I think me having a little bit of innocent fun with a new friend is tame in comparison. She doesn't get the right to be pissed about this! And besides, we're having a break anyways." Callie shouted at the man who stood there like a rabbit in headlights. "Woah woah woah. She's not FUCKING Murphy. She fucked her once. That's it. She made a mistake Callie" he yelled back. "Listen Karev, I know she's one of your best friends but if we're going to be here, on this job together, you've got to be MY friend for once. In fact, more to the point, you've got to be Carina's friend here. Arizona doesn't exist for the time being. We don't know anyone called Arizona. Got it?" "Yeah, loud and clear. I won't stand back and let you destroy each other though Callie. I'm going to bed. Goodnight" He said as he left the room and went upstairs.

"Well... I guess I'll head on up to bed too. Karev and I are going to get a run in early in the morning. Goodnight ladies" Ruiz said grabbing a glass of water and leaving the two women in the kitchen. "Soooo? That was awkward. I'm sorry about Karev, he's got a good heart and is fiercely loyal to those he cares about. Him and Arizona have been friends for years. She was his mentor when he first joined. She's in the force too. Well, at least she was until an undercover op went wrong. There was a car accident and she ended up needing to have a leg amputated. She was honourably discharged on full pension. Now she's a stay at home Mom and doesn't like that I still get to go out to work. But enough about Arizona. Carina doesn't know her remember" The older woman smiled. "Callie, in fairness, neither I nor Carina know any of you. But thank you for sharing. I hope we can become genuine friends from this. But for now, I think the boys had the right idea. It's bed time." The Italian smiled. "Yeah you're right. Look at the state of this place though. I'll help tidy it first." Callie said grabbing the trash can. "No Callie, it's ok, I got it. You head up. See you tomorrow." "You sure?" "Si, I just need to throw it all in the trash. It'll take 5 minutes. Goodnight Bella."

15 minutes later Stefania had tidied downstairs and was walking to her bedroom. As she passed by Callie's door she heard quiet sobs coming from inside the room. She gently pushed the door open as she knocked quietly. "Callie... hey, What's the matter Bella?" She said as she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry" the Latina woman whispered. "It's just that argument with Karev stirred up a lot. It still hurts that Arizona cheated on me you know" she said as she rolled over to face the Italian. "Come here" Stefania whispered as she leant back against the headboard pulling Callie in to a hug. "You don't need to apologise. Being betrayed like that can hurt in the worst way. But remember what we said downstairs. Arizona doesn't exist just now. We don't know her. So let yourself be free of that hurt for a little while Bella" Stefania said as she stroked the dark hair laying on her chest.

The words were no sooner out her mouth when Callie moved to face her. Suddenly their lips connected. It was electric, it was exciting. Callie was quick to deepen it, swiping her tongue asking for entry which the Italian granted without a second thought. Tongues danced together searching & exploring every inch of each other's mouths. Hands began to wander slipping under clothing and caressing the skin below. Stefania pulled back when air became a necessity. She looked into Callie's eyes as she breathed out "Callie, are you sure you want to do this?" "Yes I am sure now please just kiss me and don't stop" That was all the consent the younger woman needed to hear. She crashed their lips back together and began to slide down Callie's sleep shorts. She wasted no time in dragging a finger through her folds silently seeking permission for her next move. Callie nodded as Stefania slipped a finger inside her new colleague pulling a moan from her lips. "Bella, you're going to need to be quiet. I think Karev would have an opinion on this if he knew and I don't think it would be very favourable" Stefania said as she reconnected their lips in a bid to hush the older woman.

Suddenly she felt Callie's hand slip into her pants and slide inside her too. They built up a steady pace together getting quicker with every thrust of their hands. It didn't take them long to reach their peak. Finger movements becoming increasingly difficult as walls began to tighten. One final thrust and they both hit their orgasm at the same time. They collapsed on the bed as Stefania pulled Callie in for a hug. "That was unexpected but I enjoyed it" she said giving the Mexican a kiss on the head. Callie though was very quiet as sleep overcame them and the room filled with light snores from them both.

Callie was suddenly wakened by the sound of her mobile phone ringing. "Hello?" She answered not looking at the caller display. "Arizona?! Why are you calling me? What time is it?" 7:00am?! SHIT! What? No... nothing's wrong. Sofia wants to FaceTime. Uh yeah... give me a second. Let me get up, I'm still lying in bed. NO... ARIZONA, DON'T CALL RIGHT NOW!

*** incoming FaceTime - Arizona ***

"Shit!! Stefania. Get up. STEFANIA! You need to get out my bed - RIGHT NOW!" Callie was now in a panic as she answered the call, kicking the Italian with a force that pushed her out the bed and she landed on the floor with a thump, Callie thankful it was her daughter and not her wife on the screen. "Hi Babygirl. You ok?" "Yeah Mamma, I just missed you. Mommy says this is the last day I can speak to you until you're back from work." The child said with a sad voice. Stefania meanwhile understanding what was happening now just sat quiet on the floor until the other woman was finished her call.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to literally kick you out the bed. I just panicked. Arizona would have had an absolute fit if she'd seen you. I'm sorry, are you ok?" Callie said looking over the edge of the bed. "Si, I'm fine" Stefania laughed. Callie suddenly got a panicked look again. "Oh god, you need to get to your own room before the boys come back from their run. I don't want Karev knowing about this otherwise he'll go straight to Arizona and tell her" her breathing beginning to labour as the panic rose higher in her. "Callie, Callie, breathe Bella. You're fine. I can go to my room, it's absolutely not a problem. But I'm not leaving you in this state. So I need you to calm down and breathe for me." Stefania said as she overemphasised her own breathing to get the other woman to copy. A few minutes later, Callie had managed to compose herself and had stopped crying. "I'm sorry. I guess when all is said and done, I'm not actually ready to call time on my marriage after all. She must still mean something to me if I'm this upset about her finding out I 'cheated' with you" she spoke quietly.

Stefania sat on the edge of the bed and brushed the hair from Callie's face. "Callie, listen to me. We don't need to make this a big deal and make it more than it was. It was just a bit of fun. No harm done. No one needs to know except us. I'm going to go to my room before the boys get back and no one will be any wiser about it. We'll go to the kitchen in a bit and have breakfast and just be friends and colleagues. We're good ok" she smiled and the Mexican nodded returning the smile. "Ok that's better. I like to see that beautiful smile of yours. And now, I'm going." She captured the older woman's lips in one last quick kiss before getting up and walking out the room. Both women happy with the night they shared but content to know that it was a one off.

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