Chapter Nine

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She liked Molly, a lot. But she still had Maya in the back of her head and knew for sure she wanted to know her better.

The next morning Carina woke with a start as she heard her mobile ringing. Realising it was the Chief she answered but grabbed her robe and left the room as not to disturb Molly who was still sound asleep. Carina couldn't help but feel the butterflies in her chest watching the younger woman lying there looking so angelic and she realised that she'd be in trouble really quickly if she didn't stop this situation in its tracks.

Carina finished her call with the Chief and returned to the bedroom where Molly was just beginning to stir. Before the young brunette could get up though, the Italian jumped back into bed and pulled her close to her. "I could stay like this forever you know" Molly said as Carina peppered kisses on her neck. "Mhmm, I could too but sadly I don't think we can. You're going to have to go back to England and your non girlfriend, girlfriend at some point sadly."  "Yeah, I guess that's true" Molly sighed "so come on then, let's get up because if we don't, I'll end up making you scream and sweat yet again" she winked at the Italian as she hopped out of bed. "Do you mind if I take a shower though before I leave?" Carina thought about this for a second and said "I think you should have a shower and I need one too. Let's save the planet by showering together" she laughed as she led Molly into the bathroom.

The two women climbed into the steaming hot water together, Molly wasting no time in pushing Carina under the stream of water and up against the cold tiles of the wall. She connected their lips as she reached a hand over to the shelf and grabbed the shampoo bar. She massaged the caramel brown coloured locks, creating a luxurious lather. Her fingers working all the way in to Carina's scalp where the Italian could feel all the tension leave her head. Molly rinsed the shampoo from Carina's hair, switched to a bar of soap and repeated the process over her body now instead. Her hands lathered the soap and moved from neck to legs, covering every inch of Carina's body. She could see the muscles twitching, reacting to her touch. The goosebumps rising on Carina's skin. She rinsed the soap off and traced her fingers down Carina's abdomen where her fingers made their way inside Carina's legs.

The Italian though, was quick to catch Molly's wrist, stopping her in her tracks as she said "uh uh Bambina, my turn." She then kissed the younger woman with a hunger as she spun them round and pushed Molly against the wall this time. Now she repeated the steps taken before only Molly was hungry for something else to happen and was struggling to keep her hands to herself. "Bella no. Let me do this for you" Carina said as Molly had tried to distract her from what she was currently doing. The younger woman gave in and allowed Carina to massage her shoulders as she washed her. Just like Carina had, now Molly could feel the tension leaving her too. It was in this moment she couldn't help but let her mind drift. She liked Carina and she could see a beautiful future potentially. But she felt guilty. Guilty that Stacy was back in the UK waiting for her, loving her from a distance and here she was in the shower with another woman.

Unbeknown to Molly, Carina was also having thoughts of her own. She liked what she was doing right now but her gut just couldn't shake the idea of Maya. They had a connection, she knew that right away and she was desperate to see where that would go.

Both women were brought back from their thoughts by a knock on the door. It was Callie "I'm making French Toast for breakfast, just wondering if you two want any?" "Oh yes please, we'll be down soon" Carina called back.

As she was about to step out the shower, Molly grabbed her arm and said "I know what this is and I know it needs to stop. I'll be going back to England soon and I think you could pursue something with Maya if you wanted to. She hasn't stopped talking about you at work since she met you. But we're both here, naked in this shower together right now. Our bodies react to each others touch in ways I've rarely felt before so maybe we should just give in to that for now and have some fun. It doesn't have to be anything deep. We're just two women who find each other attractive and have no ties, let's just let it be that for now" She stepped forward and kissed Carina who turned and walked the younger woman backwards until she was once again pinned against the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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