Chapter Eight

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"Goodnight Beautiful" Carina whispered in her ear.

And that was the last thing Molly heard before drifting off to a relaxed sleep with a smile on her face.

The next morning, Molly awakened to find herself alone in the bed but the smell of pancakes and coffee filled the air. Just as she was about to get out of bed, the bedroom door opened to reveal Carina coming in with a tray in her hands. "Good morning" the Italian smiled. "I didn't know what you'd like for breakfast so I have options here. You can have pancakes with Nutella, bananas and strawberries. Or there's toast with scrambled egg and smashed avocado. There's also sriracha sauce there too for it but I thought you could add that yourself if you want it. And I didn't know if you were a coffee or juice person. But there's also tea if you'd prefer that." Carina smiled as she laid the tray on the bed and sat down beside Molly. "Carina, this is lovely. You didn't have to go to all this trouble though. I'd have been happy with a bowl of cereal" Molly smiled as she leant over and gave the Italian a quick, shy kiss.

The two women ate breakfast in relative silence, just stealing glances at each other every now and then. "So what do you have planned for today?" Carina asked as she moved the plates off the bed and lay back down. "Well the club is closed tonight so I don't really have anywhere to be" Molly smiled. "I was thinking of hitting the beach for a bit though if you wanted to join me?" She said as she pulled Carina into her embrace. "Hmmm, I think I could manage that" Carina replied as she locked lips with the younger woman. The kiss was slow and lazy to begin with, with neither woman wanting it to end.

Soon enough though things began to heat up with Carina rolling Molly on to her back as she lay on top of her. She kissed her again but this time with a little more hunger. She began to kiss down the younger woman's neck with her hands exploring every inch of the body below her. Just as she dragged a finger through Molly's wet folds though, the English woman whispered "do you have any toys?"

This stopped Carina in her tracks as she lifted her head to look into Molly's eyes. "What did you have in mind?" She smirked. "I have a few things. I've got vibrators, a double ended dildo and a strap. What would you prefer?" She asked as she kissed Molly once more. "The strap" Molly smirked "but... I do you" she whispered. Carina thought about this for a second before smiling and hopping off the bed to a cupboard in the bathroom. She pulled out the strap and gave it a quick wash in the sink before throwing it on to the bed along with a tube of strawberry flavoured lube.

"Well, I can only speak for myself but I don't think we'll need that" Molly laughed as she pushed the lube on to the floor. "Besides, I don't like strawberry flavoured things" she winked. "You don't?!" Carina asked surprised as Molly laughed at the expression on her face. "No, I like strawberries, but I don't like things like strawberry ice cream or strawberry milkshake, things like that" "Ok, so no lube then" Carina winked. "Mhm" Molly smirked as she stood up and pulled the strap on securing the buckles.

"Mio dio! You're so hot" Carina breathed out as she took in the image of Molly standing before her. "You're silly!" Molly smiled and rolled her eyes as she walked back towards the bed. "But, now, lie back and let me make you scream until your lungs bleed" she said as she positioned the shaft between the Italian's legs.

She started off slowly, teasing the entrance with the tip before gently easing it inside. Slowly in and out as she watched Carina's face signal that she was enjoying it. Just then Carina opened her eyes, reached up and pulled Molly's head down to kiss her. Molly began to pick up the pace getting a little harder and deeper with each thrust. She took hold of Carina's hand interlocking their fingers as she started to kiss her neck. Deeper and harder still. Carina was beginning to pant as she also started to thrust her hips meeting Molly with each beat. Faster and faster, harder and deeper until beads of sweat had begun to form on both their bodies. Molly could tell that Carina was getting close as her breathing was getting shallow and whimpers of enjoyment were beginning to escape her lips. A few thrusts more and Carina hit her high with a scream so throaty, it sent Molly over the edge, causing her to orgasm at the same time.

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