Chapter Seven

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They collectively decided that they would go out for dinner tonight. There was a Mexican restaurant not far from the club that they agreed to check out.

After dinner, the team were ready to head over to the club. They arrived soon after and made their way to the door where they were met with a familiar face. "Ah, Carina, lovely to see you" the blonde smiled. "I have your booth reserved for you. If you head on in, I'll be over to take your drinks order in a few minutes." "Good evening Maya, it's lovely to see you too" the Italian said, returning the smile as she walked inside and towards her table.

A few minutes later, Maya arrived to take the drinks order but she wasn't alone. "Hi guys. I'd like to introduce you to someone new. This is Molly and it's her first day so be nice to her" Maya winked as she laughed. Carina looked up and was met with a flutter of butterflies as she looked into the bluey-green eyes of the dark haired woman. "Ciao Bella. It's nice to meet you" Carina said as she kept eye contact with the younger woman. "Molly, this is Carina, Callie, Ruiz and Karev" Maya continued as she introduced everyone. "So guys Molly here is a server and dancer. I hope you don't mind, but I trust you lot to look after her on her first shift so I'm going to leave her with you tonight and I'll be floating about between a couple of different areas." "Oh, that's fine with us" Carina smirked. "We'll take some vodka, tequila and a couple bottles of red wine to start with please Molly" she smiled, still never breaking eye contact. "Ok, I'll be right back with that for you" Molly winked as she turned and walked away.

"Woah! That new girl is hot!" Karev said as they all watched her walk away. "Yes she is!" Carina smirked "and I intend to get to know her better!" "You do?!" Callie asked surprised. "What about Maya though?" "Well yes, Maya is lovely and I really like her but if I've to make my character believable, I should probably show interest in a few people. No?" Carina asked. "Yeah, yeah, you're right, you're supposed to be this playgirl, can't have you being married off with the first girl you see" Ruiz laughed just as Molly returned with the drinks. "So, Molly. Tell us about yourself." Carina said flashing a smile as she took her drink.

"Well, you can probably tell by my accent that I'm not American" she smiled a smile so nice that Carina was caught off guard by the butterflies swarming her chest. "Yeah I thought that. English yeah?" Karev asked. "Yeah that's right. Newcastle to be precise" she nodded. "Oh yeah, they've got a good soccer team don't they? Black and white aren't they?" Ruiz asked as he has a keen interest in the sport. "You know it, best team in England" Molly laughed as she walked off again.

"Right then team, I need a plan because that girl is coming home with me tonight!" Carina growled as she bit her lip. "Maya said she was a dancer too right?" Callie asked. "Si, she did" Carina grinned. "Well there you go then. That's the first step. We get her to give you a dance" "Ok ok, let me go get freshened up first" Carina said as she stood up and walked towards the toilets.

"Ah here she is. Come on Boss, Molly here is ready and waiting to give you a dance" Ruiz cheered as Carina returned to the table. "Soooo, you want a dance from me do you?" Molly asked as she wiggled her eyebrows at the Italian. "Oh... Si... i do" carina gulped. "Well sit down then" The English girl whispered as she pushed Carina back by the chest causing her to fall into the chair already positioned. Carina could feel her heart begin to quicken as Molly took a few steps backwards and turned round. She started to dance and the whole team was mesmerised, not just Carina. She turned and walked slowly towards the brunette sitting in the chair licking and biting her lip as she did so. Before Carina knew it, Molly was straddling her lap grinding with every beat of the music.

Carina lifted her hands to hold Molly by her hips but her hands were quickly pinned back to her sides "uh uh, no touching" Molly whispered with a wink. As she leaned forward she whispered into Carina's ear "if you behave yourself, you'll be rewarded". Before Carina could respond though, Molly stood and walked away as the song finished. Carina was in shock. It wasn't often someone could leave her speechless.

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