Chapter Four

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Both women happy with the night they shared but content to know that it was a one off.

About 60 minutes later, the 4 adults were in the kitchen preparing breakfast - all having something different. Theo was on a smoothie, Karev was going all out with bacon and eggs, Callie had decided on fruit mixed with honey and yoghurt while Stefania was on a toasted bagel with avocado and bacon. "You know guys, it would probably be easier if we all ate the same thing in the mornings" Stefania laughed looking at the state of the kitchen. "I could make French Toast tomorrow with bacon and fruit?" She asked the group. All agreeing with huge grins on their faces.

"Callie, I uh, I'm sorry about last night. I was out of line. You're entitled to have fun. It was only a stupid drinking game, not like you two had sex or anything, I'm sorry." Karev said as he took a swig of coffee. "Ha, yeah, right. Just innocent fun" Callie flushed as she turned to the fridge to get juice. Ruiz looked at Stefania who also flushed with embarrassment at Karev's comment. "Right well, we better get organised, Ripley and The Chief will be here in a few minutes. I'm going to finish my coffee out back" Stefania said. "Hold up, I'll join you" Ruiz said jogging after her.

As they both reached the back yard he was looking at her with a smirk on his face. "You two hooked up last night didn't you?!" He grinned. "Shut up Ruiz" the Italian whisper shouted as she closed the patio doors. "Listen, we may have got a little carried away but she doesn't want anyone to know ESPECIALLY KAREV! Got it?! She's hoping to try and fix her marriage so she doesn't need this added to the mix. It was a bit of fun and a one off. We've agreed to forget it happened alright?!" Stefania said rubbing her forehead. "Yeah ok, relax. Your secret is safe with me. I promise" he said holding out his pinky. "A pinky promise? How old are you? Stefania laughed as she attached their fingers.

Just at that moment Callie came to the door. "The Chief is here" she said giving Stefania a questioning look. They all gathered at the dining table where Ripley and Webber were sitting. "Morning gang. How are we all today?" Ripley asked to a chorus of them all saying they were good. "Maybe a little too much to drink getting to know each other last night" Stefania laughed. The Chief also let out a laugh at this point and said "well you better get used to drinking. You'll be expected to be having bottles of champagne and shots at the club. We need Rossi to buy into the whole Italian play girl thing." "Well I'm sure we'll manage that Chief" Karev chimed in. "Alright so here's what's going to happen then. We have surveillance on Rossi and his henchmen just now. Stefania... Sorry, Carina! You're familiar with Rossi but for the benefit of you guys, take a look at these photos. This is Rossi. And then these 2 photos are his right hand men. This one is Tyler Hunter - born and raised right here in LA. He owns a couple of car rental shops but the majority of his business interests are tied up with Tony and his strip clubs. This other man is Vladimir "Vlad" Petrovski. Originally from Russia but has lived here since he was a teenager. He runs a very successful Vodka import business and supplies all of Tony's clubs along with half the bars in the city. Now... this woman..." Webber continued handing out a photo of a slim red headed woman "is Cindy. We're sure Cindy here is Tony's bit on the side. Good enough to look pretty on his arm but not good enough to leave the wife and kids for. Cindy is also not her real name. Her name is actually April Kepner and we think she might be key Carina, if you can get her on side. She often tends the bar at the club but can also be seen playing host and very occasionally will dance too. Any questions so far? No? Ok Good, Ripley you're up."

"Alright, so enjoy your day but please don't have any alcohol until you're at the club tonight. You need to be reasonably sober" he laughed. "There will be a limo here to pick you up at 9pm. There will be a reservation made for DeLuca at 9:30pm. Please make sure you are dressed appropriately. Remember, Carina is a wealthy woman and her friends need to be in on that too. Tonight is really just about getting your faces seen and a little bit of recon. See if you can lay the groundwork with "Cindy". You don't need to gain a lot of information. I really just want you guys to get a foot in the door. Got it?" The 4 detectives nodded at the instructions. "Right, this is the last day we'll physically come to see you. Carina, remember to call "mom" daily. Ideally in the morning please?" "Sure thing Chief" she smiled. "Well alright, have a good day people and enjoy your night but remember... you're still working!"

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