Chapter 1.Contract(1)

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"Let's discuss the terms,shall we?"

With her words,a feathered quill and paper scroll were sprawled on the table.

On it,were words written in an unrecognisable language.

But as I continued to stare at the contract,the characters shifted and once I had blinked,I recognised the familiar language.

It was Korean.


[Terms of Contract]

Party A,Kim Dokja,upon signing this contract will have to perform assigned task by Party B,???.

When not on assignment,Party A is free to read any story available in the library that is unrestricted.

Party A is not absent from obeying the rules of the library.Based on severity of infraction,appropriate penalties will be enacted.Penalties cannot be refused.

Upon participation in a story,Party A will be able to receive 100% of his share.

Terms can be discussed and altered later on,but ??? must be consulted and consent must be given.


"These are the basics of our agreement."

She flashed a business smile as she passed the pen on the table to me.

There was nothing for me to lose.

I would even be able to negotiate more benefits in the future.

Though I am curious what sort of "tasks"she means.

And something was bugging me.

I didn't know who this woman was.

A woman who goes by the name of [Trumpet Creeper],which she boldly states is not even close to her true name.

Even the contract wouldn't reveal her identity to me.

The contract was tempting and I've already made up my mind to take up her offer.

But I needed to know what I was getting myself into at the very least.

I looked up from the contract,gripping the pen.

"Just who are you?"

"Who I am doesn't matter anymore."


"What you should be focusing on is who I will become to you.You don't need to know my name,you just need to know that I am your ally."

Could I trust a woman who I've only known for less than a days worth of time?

A stranger who sympathised with me,who has shown me nothing but goodwill?

Probably not.

And that is what she wants.

I just need to trust her enough.Enough to know that at least she won't betray or throw me away at a whim.

"I still want to know at least what to call you by."

"How about [Trumpet],like your friend does?"

"Do the others in this place call you that?"

"Not in particular."

"Then I won't do so either."

She never gave me more than the bare minimum in answers and always would wait for me to initiate a question.

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