Chapter 2.Contract (2)

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I'm bored.

I looked up for the first time in a long time.

My surroundings hadn't changed even the slightest from when I had first stepped foot in.

Actually,something did change.

The stack of books that once towered over me was now toppled and laying messily on the ground.

I read all of them.

It took me 10 years to read [Ways of Survival] ,these books were shorter individually but considering the sheer number of them....

I couldn't even fathom how much time has passed by.


I was put in a circular room that stretched upwards so far I couldn't see the end.

An endless number of books was stacked neatly on the shelf walls.

There were no doors and I was seemingly alone.

Where is Florence?

It seems I was put to work the moment I signed the contract.

Did I perhaps get scammed?

I got up from the cold wooden floor.

"Is anyone here?"

My voices echoed.

[I A m H e r e]

Luckily I still had the [Fourth Wall] with me.

Then I heard footsteps,slow and steady footsteps.

I turned to the spiralling staircase attached to the bookshelf walls.

A figure was leisurely walking down towards me,holding a absurdly large stack of books.

Seems like this place can bend the rules of gravity as well.

As he approached the bottom,I could finally get a proper look at his face that was blocked by the towering stack.

[W o w]

It hurts to agree with that bastard.

But that face was worth no less of a reaction.

Is this place secretly some beauty pageant?This guy was almost worse than Florence.

He was tall and slender,with just the right amount of muscle,wearing a hazel waistcoat.

Dark brown hair and lazy golden eyes though with some eye bags forming

He unexpectedly turned towards me.

"Could you lend me a hand?"


His voice was good too.


I fumbled my steps as I walked towards him.

"Put out your arms."

I hesitated for a moment but I still did what he told me to do.

He heaved a large sigh and placed the stack in my arms.


It wasn't heavy at all.

There was a minimum of 10 books in my arms and it felt like I was lifting a piece of paper.

"Put down that stack and wait there."

And so the process repeated for I'm not even sure how many times.

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