Chapter 14.Starting the Paid Service Again(2)

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"Mr Choi,were you aware Cha Ae Young-ssi was being bullied?"

This was the last chance to get redemption.But as expected,they squandered it.

"Hey Kim Hak-Kun,We were nice to you because that brother of yours paid a lot to send you here at the end of the year.But butting into somebody's business is too much."

"Isn't it a teachers job to protect the students."

I knew what he was going to say,because looking at his face there was no remorse only annoyance.

"What right does a creepy brat like you have to criticise me?!Don't get involved with Cha Ae young,she probably did something to offend her classmates either way."

"Teacher,is that really your answer?"

"What?Are you trying to intimidate your teacher,maybe I should just expel you,you punk."

This one was hopeless.By the looks of it,there was nobody in this school worth saving.

I stared out the window,looking at the calm evening one more time.Taking out my phone,I checked the time.


It was going to start soon.

"Hey brat!Are you listening to me?"


At least this time I can continue without wasting any 'innocent' lives.

"What the fuck are you staring at-"


[The free service of planetary system 8612 has been terminated.]

[The main scenario has started.]

This was the moment the genre of Kim Dokja's life changed.

[With two small horns and wearing a small straw mat, the strange and fluffy creature was floating in the air.]

I felt an intense sense of Deja Vu when I looked at him.Bihyung looks exactly the same as when we first met.

He was saying the same words that I've read over and over again,and had heard first-hand myself.

"What the fuck is happening?Hey Hak-kun,hurry and call the police or something!"

No way I was going to waste my time on you.Either way trying to contact anybody with my phone right now hold be impossible.

[It isn't a dream. It isn't a novel either.]

[This isn't the 'reality' that you know. Do you understand? So everyone shut up and listen to me.]

[Everyone, your lives have been nice so far. Isn't that right?]

Experiencing the beginning of the scenarios again felt surreal.

I thought my heart would be beating wildly or my thoughts would be flooded,but oddly I wasn't really thinking of anything at all.

Unlike before,I wasn't questioning anything neither was I calming down the Person by my side.

This isn't my story anymore.

He was only meant to be my prey anyway,his life wasn't worth continuing.

[You have been living too long for free. Isn't life too generous? You were born and paid no price for breathing, eating, pooping and breeding! Ha! You really live in a good world!]

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