Chapter 12.If I can save just one person(2)

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Warning:This chapter contains a lot of cursing and scenes of bullying


[Why should I trust you?]


[Thank you for saving me.]


[It hurts....please help me...]


[I didn't mean to...It was an accident!]


[It was fun.]


This time,I couldn't protect you either.

One more time.

This time...I'll save you.


"Hey you bitch,look me in the eyes."

I hate this world.

"Look at her,she looks like a total slut right now."

I hate people.

"Should I cut your hair?Maybe you'll become less ugly."

I hate this school.

"Hey throw it away,what if there's lice in her hair?"

"She really pisses me off."

"She smells like shit."

"I heard she slept with the guys from the other school."

"With a face like that?"

One day...I'll kill all of you.

I didn't want to go to school but I also didn't want to be at home.

An alcoholic for a mother and a gambling addict for a father,I really won the lottery for one of the shittiest pair of parents possible.

When I was 6,because it was snowing outside,I had to drag my mother indoors from the roadside into our mould ridden house just so she wouldn't die.

I had to hide my money that I collected from checking under vending machines inside the toilet just so my father wouldn't gamble it away.

The only good thing about him is that he never beat up his wife and kid.

Probably cause he was never home.

I had to make my own meals and tuck my own mother into bed,eating rice and water once a day just so I could survive.

I walked to and from school since I was in nursery school because I couldn't even afford the subway.My phone was old and with a cracked screen from when my father threw it against the wall.

My life was the picture definition of an unlucky tragedy.

I envied the children who would pass by blissfully holding their parents hand.

My mother couldn't even walk without collapsing on the ground because she was always either drunk or hungover.

School was better than home.But that doesn't mean it was good.

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