Chapter 11.If I can save just one person(1)

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High school life went by quickly.Studying the same things that I studied in my first round of High school wasn't the best.

I could vaguely remember everything but didn't understand the content I was learning.

But different from my first High school experience,this time I was part of a group instead of being bullied.

I was able to read on my cell phone in peace instead of being harassed for existing in the same space.

Everybody in the school was good kids,shockingly.

There was the usual gossips and rumours but I never witnessed anybody outright harming another.

So this school was considered a good environment to learn.

Playing hooky once in awhile became less common to us as we progressed through the grades and our workloads became heavier.

Jang-mi and Yasu,expectedly,took up part time jobs working in cafes and convenience stores the moment they reached the legal age.

So the time we spent with each other outside of school decreased,but they always made time for us all to all go out together at least once a week.

Eating outside or going clothes shopping.

I was awkward especially when they picked out my wardrobe for me,but the rest of them were actually quite stylish where you wouldn't think they were all born in non-modern eras.

When I was failing English,Team leader would personally tutor me.Shockingly he would take it seriously too,without any teasing or rubbing salt into my wounds.

It was times like this I realised that he was a good teacher and a dependable figurehead.

But that would all end when he would draw faces on my papers whenever he marked my work.

I found myself reading less.It was odd.

Instead,I would play at the arcade with Bellion,Rael and Haru more because the other two weren't around.

I would help out in the kitchen whenever we had to make dinner.I felt that my cooking skills improved significantly.

I started playing video games whenever Rael needed a second player.

In the middle of our second year,Bellion brought back a stray kitten and now it lives in our house.

The team leader didn't care as long as we took responsibility.

Jang-mi named her Eun byul or Byul for short.

Byul wandered around whenever we weren't at home because the windows were left open.Sometimes on the way back,we would spot her playing around with neighbourhood kids.

She slept interchangeably between my room and Haru's room.

She hates Hestion,which was funny.

I wondered what would happen to her once we went back to the library.Could we take her along with us?

Graduation was looming closer and closer.We would be returning once we graduated so rather than studying like our lives depended on it like everybody else,we were more free.

Jang-mi and Yasu just quit their part-time jobs and are spending most of their times in the living room with everybody else.

I confined myself less to my room and started playing video games with Rael because he kept pestering me.

I couldn't understand why he liked it so much at all.Then again,Nobody could understand why I liked [Ways of Survival] either.

"Do you guys want to go to an amusement park,like Disney land or Universal studios?"

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