Chapter 16.In a place no one knows about(2)

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"Yoo Sangah-ssi?"

Yoo Sangah was startled by the sudden tap on her shoulder.The whole group was in a depressing mood,scared about the fate of one of their team mates,the man who had saved them by scattering and scattering grasshoppers during the first scenario.

Lee Hyunsung felt sorry for Yoo Sangah who seemed close to the man.She had been walking,almost shuffling around with a dazed expression,as if distracted.

"Are you okay?"

He asked her in a voice full of worry contrary to his sturdy appearance.

She came to her sense and showed a gentle but nervous smile.

"I'm fine,thanks for worrying."

She looked behind her,in the direction they had came from.

"I think I saw something weird....."

She mumbled before shaking away the hazy memory.

[That face....]

[Where have I seen it before?]
"He's a bit late...."

Haru shoved the cell phone back into the pocket of the loosely hanging jacket dangling from the body at end of his arm.

"P-Please let me go...."

His phone had been broken when somebody bumped into him.

Kicked away and lost.

Coincidentally,when the first scenario started,a gang of hooligans were nearby.

They were going to kill people anyway.

So before they could even lay a finger on him or anyone else,he made the first move.

The only one left was now hanging by his collar at the mercy of the innocent looking Haru,tears and snot streaming down his face.

"Why should I?"

He asked in seemingly sincere puzzlement.

"I'll do anything...please!"

That's what everybody says when they are potentially at deaths door,in his eyes,it was more pathetic and dishonourable than dying entirely.

But he couldn't show too ugly a sight to his incoming teammates.

It was hypocritical to say that after killing 'humans' without blinking an eyes.

But that's the type of enigma Haru is.

"Don't let me see you again."

He roughly threw the man and turned around,not even bothering to look back at the screaming staggering trash behind him.

He was in a quiet corner of Geumho Station,the segment of the [Main Story] takes place at the main area where most panic stricken citizens are gathered.

His gaze was stuck on a wailing child.

An empty hand that was endlessly reaching out for someone who was no longer there.

Nobody had the time and concern to check on someone else's child,not when some of them were murderers.

Finding the sight familiar,he took out a pack of chocolate flavoured pocky and some gummies from the backpack which was stuffed as if it's only purpose was to hold rations.

Bending down to match the boys height,he put on a gentle smell in front of the bewildered hiccuping figure.

"Put out your hands."

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