When in Doubt, Deny

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"WHAT?" Jameson looked at her with long and stunned expression. His lips ever so slightly parted in shock with widened eyes, completely aghast.

"I'm not repeating myself," She sighed, pinching her nose.

"No, no." He shook his finger, "I mean 'what' as in 'What? Why is that the first thing you say to me after ignoring me for a week?'" the boy asked her.

"I didn't know who else to tell!" Brandy cried, sitting down she dropped her head into her palms, letting out a groan. "Tate would tell Chrissy, and Chrissy would tell Jason, and Jason would tell the damn school!" the distressed teen complained."This isn't a free pass," She peeked at him through her fingers, "You're still an asshole."

"I figured," Jameson raised a brow. "How did he act the next morning? Was he like- I don't know... Weird? Withdrawn?"

Brandy brought her hands away from her face, "That's the thing!" she whispered keenly. "He wasn't acting like anything!" She told him. "He was still touchy-"


"Let me talk." She told him. The boy put his hands up. Motioning for her to continue, with an overly dramatic roll of his green eyes and a long sigh.

"Still touchy, still talkative, still awkwardly chivalrous, he was still just being Eddie." Brandy explained. "Like there was no evidence that I did anything, I figured maybe he'd be reluctant to be flirty like he normally is, or at least would've said something."

"Like no evidence at all?" He asked.


"Maybe you imagined it, you drank a lot." He pointed out.

"I was drunk not on LSD." Brandy rolled her eyes. "Besides, the embarrassment of being rejected was very much real." She pouted as she slumped in her chair.

"Too drunk, huh?" Jameson asked with a chuckle.

"Shut up!" Brandy grumbled, putting her hands to her red cheeks. "God!" The blonde exclaimed in embarrassment once again. Pulling her face in humiliation she uttered, "I can't believe I thought he kissed me back, or liked me back, or even- UGH!" She laid her head on the cold table.

"Did you try... I don't know, asking him?" Jameson questioned with a raised brow.

"Are you stupid?" Brandy looked at him blankly, but her eyes held about a thousand different things.

"Okay you don't have to be rude about it," He defended his question. "It was just a suggestion that I, for one, think you take into consideration, because it's honestly a really good one." He said with a squint.

"No," The blonde shook her head in defiance. "No, absolutely not." She said in finality. "Okay, what if he's just acting like it never happened because he thinks I blacked out and he feels weird about it, or- or maybe he's just pretending nothing happened because he doesn't like me like that or what if-"

"Then you pretend it never happened." Jameson pointed at her.

"What?" Brandy scrunched up her face.

"Act like it didn't happen, you'll get over this eventually, and then if you feel like taking my wonderful advice you'll talk to him about it." The redhead sipped at his carton of milk in the empty cafeteria.

"I don't know if I can," Brandy admitted. "Like it's so awkward. I haven't talked to him hardly at all this week."

"I mean it's end of semester testing." Jameson shrugged. "Everyone and their dog knows you're an academic, blame your absence on that."

"I have to tutor him tomorrow, Jameson." She told him gravely. "How am I going to sit there and prep him on Edgar Allan Poe poems when all I can think about is how stupid I am?"

"You can do it, you put your mind to it and I think you'd be able to fly eventually." He reassured. "Besides that's what Jessica Singer did in eighth grade." he shrugged.

"I'm sorry, what does Jessie Singer have to do with this?" Brandy blinked in confusion.

"We kissed at the Sadie Hawkins dance and she still denies it, even to me." the boy clarified with a minor bit of humility.

"How bad of a kisser are you for that to happen?" Brandy asked with a grimace, feeling secondhand embarrassment for her friend.

"How bad of a kisser are you?" He fired back.

"Hey," Brandy threw a straw at him. "Open wound," She said sternly.

"Just maneuver around it until you feel enough courage to say something, or I could say something to him-"

"No!" She said quickly. "You have no diplomacy when it comes to helping others, absolutely not!"

"It's not from lack of trying, I just don't word things well." Jameson ignored the look she gave him. "It'll be fine in the end, until then you deny, deny, deny." He advised.

Brandy looked down at her nail beds as she picked at them. Right now all she wanted was for this to go away, the gaping pit in her stomach that just dug and dug the longer the pondered over it. She wanted to to go back how it was before... Because no matter how much she longed for Eddie's touch, his kiss, his words, for him; she wouldn't get it anytime soon, if at all. How could one go from wanting so desperately to be around another, just to be within the same air as them, to hiding from them? Ducking behind lockers, staying near her friends that he steered clear from, stayed in active conversation with Nancy so that she could avoid him after their singular class together.

Truth be told she felt a bit horrible about it, but she couldn't see him. Brandy feared that he would give one look at her and she would crumble to the ground like ancient ruins of a long-gone civilization. She didn't want to give him the impression that she disliked him, no it was far from that. But she worried deeply about the word vomit that would spew from her come Wednesday. But what was she to do other than try her best?

She just wanted Eddie, but everything was now so unbelievably complicated.

I'm so so sooooo sorry for not updating all week, I've had like seven panic attacks in the span of four days, and I haven't been doing anything but my classes and trying to take care of myself to a reasonable amount so I don't smell or breakout or lose too much weight. I can't promise that ill be updating three times a week like normally until my body adjusts to new meds, schedules, etc. But I will be updating once a week for sure.

And if Eddie comes back I realized that Brandy would be in college, so now I have a bunch Eddie sneaking into Brandy's dorm ideas.

Me fr ^

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Me fr ^

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