Chapter 1 --BEGINNING

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      It was a beautiful Saturday when the voices of every one was heard which is to testify that truly is time to get up from bed,also the noisy birds chirping from the garden made it a hell.

   Regina blinked, rolling sleepily from one edge of the bed to another as she tries to get some , but she couldn't, she woke up trying to arrange her scattered hair.
  what she saw first was a mess,oh poor papa, I have to start with this cobwebs first before they fall on me in the next  night.:
  " Papa", I called, getting up from the bed.I quickly knocked at the bathroom, the lights were on but no one was in, from the kitchen window I could hear dad whistling his favorite local song, from the kitchen I could see him washing the red car.
  oh why can't he tell me to do that  instead of over labouring himself. "papa",  I called, collecting the cleaner from him, "let me help you ,you're too old for this," I said.
  please, why saying this, this is the only exercise I do that makes me fit. it's not a stress at all,he said, taking the cleaner from me, you can go back in there and tidy the house, then I tell you the business of yesterday that I postponed, he said letting out a smile of a joker . well, if you say so, I was just trying to show some respect to your gray hair, I teased as I ran back to the kitchen.


My life changed for worst since I was beloved mother
Who taught me how to cook, smile, clean the surrounding and to do good to people died when I was at that age. since then it has been a terrible battle for me and papa, when mum died, dad grieved for months and didn't want the corpse to be buried. It was an awful war between him and my maternal who insisted that the sorrow should be let out, they fought with my dad and later did charge papa to Court. papa spent all he had and also borrowed money from people, they later did give the corpse to my dad when they discovered that he was too adamant.
    it was a great anger they did exercised and we didn't here from them again.

Dad has no family, let me say he was an orphan since birth. Papa cried every single day and he dared to open the casket one day, and stubbornly for me I refused to leave,  and as days turn to weeks and from weeks to year, I started having nightmares and unconscious thinking which then people like my mate believed that I was insane. I would just sit and start picturing the face that I saw in the casket. I became so thin and Sick.
    I would have died if not of papa who responded to me on time. I was told by papa that day in the hospital that my condition is as a result of frightening, and I know you did look at the casket that day when I told you not to; why did you disobey me, Dad cried and sobbed as he held my bony arms, I have to bury her right? Dad asked and I nodded in absolute agreement.

So that's how mum was buried. For a month dad didn't respond to his  occupation, he wept all days and I was the one who always encourages him to start back his work but it was too late.
     so dad went to work the following day in order to impress me but when he got there he received a news of sorrow and some money to clear his debt, papa was fired. papa pleaded and also told his boss the cause for the delay, and why he did not start work on the fixed day, but his pleading were just trash to his boss, is my dad boss not mean?
.It not an easy task to lose your beloved wife, truly the boss was mean.
   Seeing dad face when coming back home that day I thought all was well because his face hasn't been better since mama died but I was shocked when I heard "fired" I cried because I knew that life was not just a mess now but has become a hell. The money given to him by his boss were not enough to clear his debt and also we have to feed and I have to go to school, dad gave up in searching for jobs, nothing left than to sell his house.  papa sold the house and I was like sixteen or seventeen If not mistaking.

     I was in grade twelve, preparing  for my final examination. I was determined that no matter what has happened to me in the past can't make me give up, I wanted to be a pharmacist as I had said in my early grade three career talk, nothing cross my way but the question was how? The money realized from the house one year ago is finished and our one room apartment rent is due already. papa has no job to cope with.
   my examination fees is also an addition to Papa's troubles, he became Lean and Lean, sick  and sick. Everything was crossing my way now, even in the noon and night I hear these strange voices saying

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