Chapter 14 " SCHOLARSHIP

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I closed the gate as I viewed the house from an angle, knowing for the first time that the house was greatly bigger than I thought. From my left was the chicks, crowing and cracking the cage, they should be hungry by now ---I thought, I didn't feed them the past night, the severe cracking, a sign.
I went to the boys quarter and brought their meal,  not so much, I sprinkled it in a bowl as I brought it closer to them, including it with water.
I went in back , feeling so woozy.
I went to the kitchen -- my stomach so biting and grumbling at this time, I went in looking hopefully for something palatable to eat. I picked up two oranges from the fridge as I used my other hand to connect the refrigerator to the switch.
"Since you will be expecting William today, why not go shopping and prepare something nice for him, my mind voiced --  right but no, I have no much on me, I said.
It's not a big deal, I will make everything normal and simple, he will so much understand , I said. William is understandable,  so what's the big deal then?

I got bathed, I was dressing when my phone ranged, "it's William Regina, answer the phone, I said, why is he calling me with a different number? Oh, this boy!

"Hello, I answered,
"oh hello, this is
Mr Wilson you are speaking with, the voice said"
"oh, good morning sir, holly me, sir! nice talking to you, I said formally. All fine, it's nice, really cool, your voice has not changed, pretty and cool as always, he praised. So Regina do you by all zeal remember the  examination you sat for five months ago? He asked, you mean the  scholarship examination in room 15b, I asked surprisingly.
"Oh yeah you got me, so we need you right here in school this same hour, no wasting time reg, no wasting time," he said abruptly, OK,
"but sir is there any problem, why do I need to be in school when is not school days and this same hour, besides I just woke up, your call woke me up, I haven't had my bathe or cleaned my mouth, things like that, I lied.
Reg, don't let me spank you over the phone before you understand how serious I am right now, come over this hour, he said again and hanged up.
"Holy God! What's all these, get to school by this time, I alone , he is sounding so serious as if he is ever serious.
"maybe,I'd find my way there now and the next thing will be, oh!, fantastic, Regina you're here. Please do help to arrange those files, thank you.
Oh! Beautiful what are you doing here? Well before you start, just help me give this to Mr Wilson, help me with the table, go to the library ; search for a book titled "Bloody town" "oh my God, those shits are so devastating. I switched plans immediately, I dressed up, took my bag and ran out, I locked the gate after me, I ran into the street to take a taxi.

" Miss Ibey, over here, Mr Wilson said, one thing about him is that he is so good at naming, he can call you hundred names a day provided he met you hundred times that day.
He led me into the vice Chancellor's office.
" Jesus! What's he up to?
Good day sir, I greeted him, the vice chancellor; Mr Vincent Darlington, so mean, so young and so handsome. He took off his glasses and gave me a long annoying stare, what's happening, I whispered to Mr Wilson who stood as a lifeless bodyguard. just be calm, he said.
It is like I was panicking or something, why will he be giving such a long stare without even answering my greetings,  my feet were getting so cold and my heart so heavy, you have done something Regina, you must have done something, maybe Mr Wilson just played you with the name of a scholarship examination, you yourself knew it that the result won't come out, what have I done that deserves this brutal stare.
why is  he so mean, my heart judged.
Alright now, Regina, let's get to business, he said. I was surprised, he called me, he just called me, why so surprised, is he a celebrity or something ? Just focus girl!

So you took the examination months ago, your name is Regina Ibey, studying pharmacy, no defects, female and the rest of them, take this, your files, go over it and correct any error,he said.
Actually this is real and pertinent, that's why you have to meet us because we need a cogent information about this, he said.
"Sorry for interrupting. oh, I mean for speaking which you may not like, what is the business or the matter you're talking about? I asked him.
He didn't tell you?
Mr Wilson didn't tell you?he asked again. No he didn't, he phoned me and told me to rush down here self same hour, I asked him what was up but he told me nothing, I said.
"Well, if he didn't then let me inform you, you're a lucky girl and you got lucky because you got something, out of the one hundred people who took that examination, it was recorded that only two passed and you're the number two, so you're lucky, so, so lucky , we're preparing your documents because by next two years,
you won't be here, you will in London enjoying the serene environment and studying and furthering your dream career. "What a bliss!
_You did well girl, I am happy for you, everyone here is happy for you, you made us proud and you deserve a great accolade, well done girl, well done". Thanks sir but actually it's lady, young lady not girl, I corrected and everyone bursted out laughing.

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