Chapter 7. THE TRAVEL

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So early the next day.
Done with work, bathed and applying some face oil.
I found myself on a gorgeous purple gown, looking deeply. my mind reflect back to the movies I watched those days  the" sound of music", could I be Lisa? A knock came on my door, "good morning Darling" it was papa, morning, I replied, trying to hide my self from been seen,  but It was late, he saw me, where are you going that made you dressed like a bride like this? he asked, I wanted every thing to be in secret, how is  that possible when I can't leave the house without saying goodbye to him. "well, papa guessed", I said, a date with an handsome boy known as William, he said as he  gave me a wink.
"papa, will you ever get old. I said, sighing.
"never or maybe.he said, loosing his pyjamas, but how did you know, you always get my guesses and I don't know why, maybe I should start calling you the" seer"
I said, teasingly, if you say so.
I will like to tell you that, that name can't add to my wisdom, by the way, safe journey and when coming back don't forget to buy me some sweet yoghurts. It's not a date, I corrected, we are just going for shopping before he leaves. I stopped abruptly, "leave"like what, papa asked confusedly, that is what he told me yesterday and I have been waiting to hear what he really meant by that.
"okay, papa have a nice time, your breakfast is on the dinning table, your favorite, and to surprise you more I am going to buy you
different types of yoghurts and ice cream".
I quickly opened the door and hurrily ran to the gate to meet William, he had texted me that he is gonna wait there , to tell you the holy truth.

we had a nice time and we bought a lot of goodies and hoodies, a laptop and some electronic equipments, papa would love them,the sad new is that William was in a bad mood throughout, I will possibly say that he didn't laugh for once, I knew there was a problem somewhere.

As I laid tirelessly on my bed, gazing at the ceiling fan, I was waiting for William text, I gave him a call, I am ready, can you say it now?
I opened my phone and I saw the text, "the words really are  sad for me to say, Regina, that was him.
"it doesn't matter, say it , I texted back, I will be going to London to spend the Xmas holiday with my dad, dad won't come back till Xmas next year but luckily for me I am coming back to stay with you and your papa and also to continue my schooling."
"My dad won't come back with me due to his work, he works there and it will be difficult for him going and coming and once more, my dad is releasing a surprise, a surprise which I am not allow to say now, it is complicated Regina and I will miss you, he texted, combining both a sad and happy face emoji.
I'm sad and I am also happy for you, I'm also waiting for the surprise, let's sleep now, I finalised as I put off my phone, but truly sad was an understatement, I was doubt founded and sorrowful. The tears that trickled down my cheek that night was enough to bath a kid.

The next day was evoking, by nine in the morning. I was done working, cause I did some last night, we all ate happily, I helped William with  his luggage and we got into the vehicle, heading  south to the airport, papa opened the gate smartly and sat beside me. I was surprise, papa knew they were travelling?  I thought he Will open the gate and get in back but I was wrong.
Before long, we were already at the airport.
"good mercy! the plane was still available and was not occupied yet, we got down and I saw Mr Andrew talking to papa.
"you have been a faithful man, he said handling a document to papa, the house and the car are now yours, he said, as he stretched his hands for an hand shake.
papa was surprised, his mouth was opened but could not speak,
"oh yeah, that was the surprise I talked about, William said as he hugged me and for us, he laughed, he held me on the waist with a hand and dazzled his fingers on my hair, I love you and I will miss you , he said as he drew closer, I held his neck with both hands, he kissed me.I looked from one corner of my eyes into papa's direction, he wasn't looking, thanks goodness, I exclaimed as I continued the kiss passionately, alright guys, its enough son, let keep going, that was Andrew's voice, his father.
I tried pushing him off but he stubbornly didn't move, I knew he was doing it on purpose.
"hey, you're disgracing me, I hate kissing in public, I whisper into his ears, if you guys are left alone, you guys will probably kiss for years without pulling off, papa teased and every one bursted into laughter. I waved at William and him to me, I am coming back to marry you Regina Ibey, he shouted. If  you're serious, then I am waiting for you, I shouted back, I just stared at him from the outside and him from the inside the plane, he was gesturing with his hands to me, "we should keep in touch with the phone", the plane took off and I stood gazing and locating his head.
You guys are really enjoying sweet love, papa said as he gaze at the documents, well and for the documents, the house is yours while the cars are mine, I said, jokingly.
"I am not going to share any of them with my daughter, he said as he shake his head in disagreement.
"maybe my father is jealous of me and my boyfriend, I  said, he raised up the document, I knew what he wanted to do, I took to my heels and he ran after me towards the bus stop.

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