Chapter 15:: ARRIVAL

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It was around four I got home.
I made cupcakes, reserving them for will. I don't like cupcakes.
   I went up to finish up my assignment which I almost forgot, some odious youngster book that I haven't completed, I have tried to read it but all effort was null, maybe the book is so lengthy or maybe I don't have enough time but it's mandatory, my most common first assessment that would be recorded firstly when I get back to school.

It was getting late. Something like six in the evening. I was on my way to remove the Chick's manky excreta when I heard the horn of a car,
  " that is  him, I said as I ran to open the gate. Truly, it was him, I was right. The taxi zoomed into the compound. The number of people I thought to be in the taxi weren't the number.
They were three instead of two. The taxi driver, will and a girl I have no idea of.
  "I swallowed hardly, will came with a girl! what's going on and who the heck is this girl? I asked myself.
  "Hey Regina, nice seeing you today, you have gotten slimmer, he commented as he kiss me on the nose, nice to see your handsome face again, I said. Why are you looking so cold? Are you Ill? He asked as he pull of his jacket for me and  walking me in. Oh wait! I have to help a visitor, I said as I carried the young lady luggages, gazing at her and wondering at this same time who she was and what she was doing with William and goodness she never spoke. Maybe this was one of the surprise he was talking about. No doubt, his surprises are always shocking.

We got in, taking their luggages up and showing the girl her new room, I still do not have any idea of who she was.

I gave them cupcakes as we gather round the living room watching a movie. Will William ever say something, I murmured.
I cleared my throat, letting a word out of my mouth.
  " So, how was your holiday in London? I asked, directing the question to both of them. It was good, but you haven't told me where papa went to, will said, not giving me an attention. It's an ugly long story but promise not to get upset no matter how it looks, I said.
    "Papa is dead, he died a week ago and he got buried already, I was crazy busy during that week, it was really awful.
  My face was sad and I swallow hard, was I really scared of William, what's going on?
  I would have told you before now but it's not a phone matter. I could see the word
"terror" all written over William's face, his hands froze and the cupcake fell off his hands, his mouth was open unconsciously and I could see the smashed cake in his mouth.
  "Guys, I'm right here, I'm not invisible, will someone tell me what's going on? The young girl finally spoke, giving both of us a strange stare. Who is papa? She asked.
  "Papa is my late father, he is dead; the late gateman of this house, he died when William was still back there in London, I said as I stare blankly at the floor.
  "Your dad is dead?
Oh my God! I'm so sorry, how are you gonna cope now without him since your mom has gone too?, this is really scary, she said as she drew closer to me.
  " I was surprise as I run through her words again, wondering how she knew my mama was dead. William must have told her every single thing about me. This boy!
So sad, I'm really really sorry for that, I mean, I don't want to believe it but at least you should have told us, if not me but my father, he said. He hugged me passionately and tightly.
    He is sweating!
The deed has been done, can we now move ahead,the way you say it "papa" he should be of a wise age, cheer up little angel, she said as she pinched my cheek with her needle like fingers. Let us go to bed now, I and William are really exhausted, come, come, she said again as she drag me up, leading all the way through the stairs to the room while William was seen gathering the crumbs that were left over on the table.

Throughout my stay in my room that night, this were the breathtaking striking questions that troubled me like crazy

1 who is this young lady in the house?
2 Why has William not introduced her to me yet
3 what if that's his new girlfriend.

My sleep night rest was peaceful as I didn't dream of any curious nightmares , also I was happy because William wasn't mad at me as I thought.

I woke up, bonding my hair as I sat facing the huge mirror. I just remembered that we didn't take something good last night, just cupcakes.I brushed my teeth and hair as I hurried to the kitchen to prepare something palatable.

" good morning " the young girl greeted with her right hand raised up; an high five.
"Good morning, it's obvious that you also wakes up early too, I says as we both entered the kitchen.
The young girl wasn't that young as I thought. She is obviously older. I rated her to be one of the eighteen and nineteen youngsters due to her dressing.
She is a light skinned girl with this attractive curly hair. She should be about twenty three or five I guessed. What would you love to have as breakfast? I asked, literally to break the long silence. Anything palatable and possible, she answered. Then I'm thinking of fried eggs, sandwich , coffee and tomatoes, I said and she agreed. We both surrounded the cabinet, bringing out things one after the other. I fried the eggs while she made the sandwich, bringing an aroma so so different from mine.

I broke the silence again, it's like I'm a silence breaker. So can I know you? I mean, honestly I don't know your name, I don't know anything about you. I'm so sick waiting for William to introduce us to each other. I'm really impatient.     And who is William? She asked as she laughs. Well Will is William and William is will, my papa always calls him William, so I also calls him that sometimes, I mean the name is cool.

My name is Catherine, Reuben by surname, she said. Are both of you related? I asked.
Yeah, literally. We are loggerheads cousin, my father is related to his father
What do you mean about your loggerheads issue with William? I asked. He is so so quarrelsome, I mean we are both quarrelsome. He is so so bold and I'm too tough and rough for him, just kidding but it's kind of true, yesterday was free from quarrelling, that's the best day ever, she said as she cut the tomato.


What do you think about this chapter. Sorry it's too short.
Thank you for reading.

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