Chapter 20 :: LOVE LEAD

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I came back from a seminar just to find a good looking guy in the living room, pacing round the room.
   " Evening "
     I said to him who was frightened and lost of words.       Catherine came in on hearing my voice.
Hello Reggi,  this is James, James Frederick, he is running a three months program here. Both of us will be going to London at the same time. He is my fiance, she said, moving her head from one side to another.
    "Fortunate you", He is really handsome. I said.

And this is Regina, she said, pulling me closer, and she is my cousin's wife, my cousin William.
Really Catherine? Wife?
Oh, my bad, I meant fiancee, but you guys will soon be married so what is the difference?

  There is a huge difference, I said. First, the first one is a lie and second, I am not a wife yet.
It is just a matter of months Reggi, you won't only be a wife but also a mother. Just get prepared, she said, laughing at the same time.


I woke up one morning as I opened the room door "surprise" that was what I heard. I almost fell. Catherine voice was the loudest among the three.
William was back, a first class graduate from the university was back.
" Hurray! Home is more fun now.

It was February 21,
Catherine walked into the room with a dress I would surely call the most beautiful in her hand.
  "Reggi, you're wearing this, no negotiations.

  "Yeah, I will but you have to explain all these to me, where are we going, are we going to London today?

   "Did you take any alcoholic drink yesterday? She asked.
  "No, you know I don't drink that, I replied.
  "Did you take any drug, maybe for fever yesterday?
  "No I didn't.
    "Did you do the thinking thing? Did you spend your first hour before sleep thinking yesterday?

  "Catherine, please just tell me. What is going on?

  "Reggi, it's February 21, your birthday. How can you even forget when I prayed for your birthday yesterday. You're really over thinking. She said.

  "It is true, 21. It's today.
God! I collapsed on the bed with my both hands covering my mouth. I couldn't believe I could forget.
We have a lot of events ahead of us Reggie, it's high time you start dressing, James said. William was by his side at the door, he couldn't stop smiling.

  "She will, only if you guys give us  some  minutes of privacy.
Catherine said as she closed the door. 
   "This girl Reggi, you just surprised, how can you forget your day? She asked.

That noon, we visited a lot of places. There won't be time writing them in details.

It was the bar beach first



I was just surprised at Catherine leading. She does know every nook and corner of the city.
She bought almost every nuts and cookies on the counter. I wonder who will eat all of that.

We got home so late. I was so tired having a slight headache.
I ate a lot of nuts and all my teeth were aching.
I couldn't believe I was twenty four. That eleven years old kid who was so sick when she lost her mother has turned out to be twenty four years old lady.

The young always do grow.
  It was a day before our departure to London. I needed a lot of clothes and fashionable Catherine did a great job.
   ...She went shopping for me.

It was very early in the morning. James slept over in order to avoid the morning traffic from his side.
I was wearing a purple dress. William was out waiting for the taxi man. Catherine and James were busy bringing things out and I was at the garden talking to papa.

     "Papa, I am getting married. Look at the ring, I said, placing my  fingers on the grave. It is beautiful. Isn't?
  " papa, I also got a scholarship to further my course.
  "You are smiling,  papa,I can see it.
I love you, please tell mama that I love her too.
"Bye, papa.
"You would have called us to say goodbye together"
William whispered into my ear.
It was Catherine first.
She placed a sunflower on the grave.
James did place a sunflower leave and William placed a kiss.

I will miss a lot, first the garden and secondly the chicks but I know the new owner will take good care of them. I hope so.

  The drive to the airport was not that nice. We didn't expect the road traffic at that time but we were shocked but James didn't stop in hurrying the driver. 
Catherine was already  giving up.

   We got there ten minutes later and thank goodness. We were just in time. We alighted from the taxi and I was paying the taxi man when they took out the luggages .
By my side was a kid who kept on crying over the father.
  " Don't cry baby girl, daddy will come back and he will buy a lot of things for you when coming, I told her and I gave her a little doll that  fell from my bag.
       "We are running out of time Reggi. William said.
   I didn't know he was at my back.

    We got  into the plane. James and Catherine were already seated close to each other. I and William took the opposite seat.
I placed my fingers on the air admiring the golden ring.
   It beautiful, isn't? William asked.  And I nodded.

    "Reggi, when we get to London, can we be best friends forever?
         Catherine asked.
  "Yeah, of course. Best friends.
          I replied.
  "What about you William? James asked.
  "Can you be my close friend and my best man?
I was about to ask you the same question. William said and we all bursted out laughing.


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