Chapter 9

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I asked my self who just stood
doubtfully, gazing at papa as he  closes his eyes gradually, I didn't know what to do neither who to call, I don't know anyone who can be of help to call save Mr Wilson,  but I didn't have his  number, Mr Wilson is my lecturer and my friend,Mr Wilson was the best person that first liked me and saved me from bullies when I first started college. calling William or Mr Andrew will be so stupid since they are far away. I covered papa's body with a blanket as I hurried down the street, making a gigantic sound as I run, I checked my pyjamas pocket, there was change, I hanged on my jacket over my body as I ensured that it laid perfectly well on my booms, I ran towards the car park,confusedly as if I knew how to drive, damn, this girl can't drive, how I wish I know how to zoom this car, I said, hitting the car glass with great anger, William has brought out the idea to me, he wanted to teach me how to drive, but I flipped back the idea saying that was not the first thing to concentrate on, I thought he just wanted to teach me because he is accustomed to a life of luxury, I thought there wasn't need for that then thinking that I was too Young, I am bitterly regretting it now. I was entangled, I don't properly know papa's situation right now, getting better or worst. I took my phone as I scrolled through my contacts, searching for the health practioner, God damn it, how did I save the number, I ran back in search of papa's phone, holy goodness, it was dead, damn dead, I ran out of the gate looking for a health store where I can get help, I ran feeling my weight, it was now I realized that I haven't done this exercise for a long, longtime, my legs whirl and dangled as I ran, could this be old age? Because I was a renowned athlete in my secondary school days, I am always happy for every inter house sports because I knew I will surely get a prize for being the first or the second, every house would surely fight for me to be their runner, those times were the time I act my pride out. This moment wasn't so, my heart beat so fast, I rested a while as I bend my head downward, my flipflop was already muddy due to the condition of the road I took, before me was another large pot hole filled with  water, beside me was a bin that hoozed an awful smell, by my left was some group of boys smoking, I knew they were cultists, from far I could see their serpent tattoo boldly inscribed on their arms, as I still bend almost squatting, I could see one of them pointing towards my direction, they were all laughing as they stared at me, confused and nervous of what they were laughing out, I turned round looking back and forth trying to figure out the reason for their laughter, it was then I realized that I was wearing my pyjamas inside out and also it wasn't mine, it was papa's bargy one, I made a mess of myself, I muttered as I ran away from their sight.
I'm not used to outing, this is the very first time I am going this far, as I ran, I saw a poster "unique you, unique heath". that's it, I muttered. When I got there, it was a terrifying surprise, the store wasn't great, it was abandoned and unkempt, one side of it was filled with some irritating dumped banana peels, flies were roaming round them, I shuffled across the corridor into the store, the person I saw in there was so stupid to be called a chemist, I looked around at the empty canter, all what I saw was some faded paracetamol that were already hovered with cobwebs, it was a shrivelled old man, "asshole" why you stealing my things with your  dumb eyes?, they've sent you, isn't it? he asked, as he stringed his eyes at me, the man wasn't just shrivelled as I thought but also shrewish, I knew I was in shtook, I was also shrewd judge of character, I knew the type of person he was, l don't need any explanation before taking my decision. Sorry sir, I made a mistake, you can't be of any help to me, I said as I shut back his door. I continued my life threatening journey as tears dropped down my eyes, I thought of papa, should I go back or continue? I asked my self as I stood looking forward and backward meditating and thinking of the best option. I knew going back won't help in anyway, I don't know who can help me, neither a doctor who I can give a call to, I stood there helplessly, rolling my eye balls from one point to another, I was tired, my stomach groaned reminding me that I haven't taken anything this morning, I was shrinking, my eyes turning in a fainting way,for papa's sake, I grabbed up again, this time around jogging, I got to an extent, this time around so tired, I didn't mind, I sat down on the ground, bare ground as I regain my lost energy. My eyes glittered and I saw some girls, maybe four or three gossiping or how will I put it, to find girls talking nautically and quietly like that, you would probably figure out who they were"busy bodies " I wanted to tell them to direct me to the nearest chemist store, but to tell you one of them was already staring at me with disgust, informing the rest to do the same, I knew what they were staring at, my scattered hair, dirty flipflop and my inside out pyjamas, I haven't turned it to the right side because I haven't gotten the right time, I can't be putting on and off my pyjamas on the street, I'm not mad, but to trace their eyes it was towards my flipflop, which was already worst than the shoes of those who do empty our bin, I shudder, not minding them, my mind was already nursing something to me about papa, I don't want to accept that, it's forbidden, that will be the most deadly thing that should happen to me, to loose papa is to loose my mind, I groaned, tears steaming down Into my mouth, I made haste, running and looking round maintaining the right person whom I can seek help from, I was asking a little girl of about nine or ten, who just stare at me in a ridiculous way, maybe she thought that I was the bad type, ritualist or something worst.
I looked back behind seeing an ostentatious gathering, a clown and some little children dancing around and making some noisy laughs, I ran into their mist, disturbing the show already, I ran to the clown tapping him for his attention but he frustrated me so much as he still kept on saying some silly words, "shush" he said, putting his fingers across his mouth, I am a dangerous shyster,a shrew, he continued, shrilling loudly, stop it you clown, I simply need your help, so please stop with the behavior, I'm serious now, I said angrily. You want a shoofly pie?he continued once again, getting me more annoyed, or do you want my shimmy girls, a sibyl, a silage or a silver surfer, or maybe silicosis, God forbid, I shouted at him with rage, it was then he lowered his head putting his ear closer to my mouth, now speak, he whispered to me, this time around, the little children were already amazed and some getting scared, I knew I was making his show a disaster but I still need to ask for help, my papa is in a very bad condition, I'm loosing him already , I don't know if you can be of help to me, maybe join me to put in the car so that he can be taken to the hospital. I said softly, my cheek sore and flappy as I talk.
As soon as I finished, he put off his helmet, I am a doctor, a qualified one, I can be of help to you, he said, no you're a clown,  I'm not just ready for your joke, please, I just need you maybe come home with me then we take him to  the hospital, I lamented, this time around rudely, well, I came here to immunize this kids, after immunization, I decided to entertain them by some funny looks, he said as he pulled his briefcase. I tried to simulate surprise with the information, but I didn't believe him, he was too young and playful, also he fit a clown so well, how then he framed to be doctor, I asked myself confusedly but with his briefcase and his White coat I believed him, at least my trouble has been simplified. We hurried into his car, as he zoomed off with a full speed, inside the car with the doctor, I looked back sighting the little kids looking so disappointed, I could see a little boy crying as he pointed towards us, telling the big sister to take him to us, Jesus! I have made the kid show a mess, I would have seek help from another soul, I said and I covered my face shamefully.

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