Chapter 18::: BREAD

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    "How many times did you guys do it? Millions or hundred of millions? He asked strictly. I put up my index finger, signifying once.
I don't think there is a need to cry reggi, I mess up, it's all my fault. Sorry for the way I reacted earlier, I got carried away by the kiss, I'm really sorry, I should have at least called, I'm sorry and so happy at the same time that you got someone who  offered help.    You are the one who is meant to pick grudges and offences for not reaching out to you, so kissing or falling for him won't be  kept in my heart. So cheer up, he said as he wiped my face.
   Merci, I said as smile took hold of my face.
I have never been a superhero to you but I know I will someday. I love you reggi, so, so much and I can't  wait to finish up my education  and marry you. He said as he moves his fingers round my hair.
   "All you just need now is to focus and finish your education because I am not going to get married to a drop out. I said and he bursted into a very loud long laugh.
  "William, also I got a scholarship to study in your country; London, after my final year.
   God! What a good news, and did you know what I pictured right now? He asked.
  " nope" I replied.
I see myself on a black suit and you on a white dress.
  " it's wedding ".
We are having our wedding right there, I can see it. He said.

We were disturbed by a knock at the kitchen door.
Seriously! Making out in the kitchen, you guys really need to learn some common manners. Gosh! Disgusting.
It was Catherine.
So how was your boring makeup training? William teased. You've said it all, boring, so what else, which other comment do you wanna hear from me? She asked.
Something  even worst, maybe disgusting, frustrating, unfruitful and the likes.
     "William! You again, why will you open your mouth and then say something stupid about someone. That's not nice, I cautioned as I gave him a disappointing look .

In fact, get out of the kitchen, Catherine ordered. Your love making is  now over with my friend.
   "I won't get out Catherine, she may be your friend but I am his boyfriend, a husband to be and once again you can't dictate to me when to stay and when to leave, William said.
  "We want to cook, bitch, now get it into your empty brain. William bursted out into a dramatic laughter which made us to wonder what really amazed him so much.

You wanna cook? Catherine? She doesn't know how to cook reggi. All she do know is toasting of bread , some stupid toast bread which do burns up and get dry in the toaster. Have she be cooking all this while?
    William asked as she jokingly fix his eyes on Catherine.
  She has been the one cooking all this while dipshit.
No surprise, the meal I have been eating weren't even nice, not delicious at all. He said.
  Now I caught you William. I said, boldly as I held unto his collar.

             The toasted bread you ate yesterday was made by her and I saw how you enjoyed every bits of the bread yesterday.

Also, I continued. That steamed beans you ate as lunch that same day was also made by her and all evidence, you served yourself more of that same beans. So tell me clearly will, who are you kidding? Me or her?
     I hate this, I said, pushing him out of the kitchen.
  This girl Reggi is amazing, Catherine commented as she kept stirring the soup.
    "So is this how you guys relate in London? By quarrelling and throwing insult at each other?I asked as I drew closer to her. To me, this is a kind of children thing or first wife to second wife thing and the problem is that no one is willing to ignore the other.
     So how did your first day go? I asked, changing the topic.
It was cool, really really cool, I myself didn't expect the first day to go so well but to my greatest surprise it did and I'm glad.
So can you go on by explaining what you meant by cool?

Most of the girls are naive and friendly. I even made a friend. Yeah, I made a friend but the noise God, it's way too much. That barbing saloon need urgent lock up.
  "But don't complain too much, I know you enjoyed the music. I said as I rested on her shoulder.
    There are so many other things you will learn here Catherine, so I will urge you to drop the complaining.
You will be learning things like language, our culture, my culture to be precise. Our movies, you will watch them. I will do my best by selecting the top ten  movies that will blow your mind. Trust me.
    I can assure you that your  long stay here will be really interesting. Also you will lecture me on fashion.

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