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Charlee sighed as she got ready for work. Charlee knew that it was her first time back to work since she lost the baby. And it scared her.

She was ready to go to work. But she wasn't ready to see Max. They hadn't spoken since she lost his baby. And he hadn't even tried to speak to her. it upset her.

Charlee got to work. She smiled as she stood from the car and looked around. She felt anxious about it all. Charlee looked to see Max. She looked to him and sighed.

Charlee didn't know what to say with Max. She knew that they hadn't spoken and she hated it. She hated how things were between them.

Charlee walked into the staffroom and smiled as and saw Bailey and Tom.

She knew that she was happy that Tom and Bailey were happy. She could see it. And she hated how it was with Max. "Hey. Are you okay?" Bailey asked.

Charlee looked to her and smiled. "I guess so. I just hate how it is with Max. He can't even talk to me. Then I look at how it is with Tom. And we can make it work for lily. I hate it," she said.

Bailey looked to her and smiled. "I know it's hard. I do. But you need to talk to Max. Get some sort of closure. Tom isn't Max. And for that, I'm grateful" she said as Charlee looked to her and smiled.


Charlee sat in her classroom. She frowned as she saw her baby scan that sat in her drawer. She looked to it and frowned. Charlee hated how she had lost a baby. And she hated how Max was.

Charlee placed the scan photo in the drawer. She sighed as she looked to see Tom as he stood in the doorway. He smiled. "I wanted to see if you were okay. I know that none of this is easy. I mean you lost a baby after all," Tom said.

Charlee smiled. "It made me realise how much I love Lily. And despite us,how glad I am that you're a good dad to her. I just feel so alone. I went through a Miscarriage. I was alone and scared and I didn't know what to think," she told him.

Tom walked over to her and hugged her and smiled. "I know that you must feel as if everything is a mess. But you are not alone. You will be okay. I am here for you. As friends," he said as Charlee smiled.

She was glad that they could be friends still.


Charlee walked into maxs office and looked to him as he frowned as he saw it was her. "How can I help you?" He asked.

Charlee looked to him and rolled her eyes. "We need to talk. I lost our baby. And you won't talk to me. You can't avoid this Max," she said.

Max looked to her and rolled his eyes. "Why? The baby is gone. So what's the point," he spat. He was being vile.

She hated how he was acting. "You know what? Go to hell," Charlee spat as she walked off.

She had no idea how things were going to turn vile with the two of them.

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