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Charlee had been avoiding Max since she had told him she was pregnant. She knew it wasn't the right time. But he had freaked out and he hadn't spoken to her which only confirmed what she knew. She was going to have to do it alone.

It had been a week and he hadn't spoke to her so she was trying to avoid him at all costs. She was tired and she couldn't deal with his drama.

Charlee had been staying with Eddie. She knew that she had broken up with Tom. She knew that she couldn't face him either. Not now she was pregnant with Max's baby.

The last thing she wanted or needed was for Tom to find out about the pregnancy. She knew he would think it was his baby too. She couldn't lie to Tom about it. Not when so much had happened.


Charlie groaned to herself as she sat in bed. She was feeling nauseous. She sat up and rushed out of the room and into the bathroom and threw up. She groaned to herself as she sat on the bathroom floor.

She didn't know how she felt about having another baby. But she did know that she was sure she wanted to have the baby. No matter how awkward and complicated when it came to Max. She knew that no matter what happened with her and Max that she wasn't going to have an abortion.

Charlee walked into the kitchen and smiled as she saw Eddie with Lily. Eddie looked at Charlee and smiled. "Are you okay?" He asked.

She looked at him and nodded. She smiled. "I will be," she said as she sat down and took Lily.

Charlee knew that she hadn't told Eddie she was pregnant. That she had only told Max. She knew it would only be so long before everyone found out. And she was scared.


Charlee got to work and sat in her classroom as Max walked in and looked at her. "I need to talk to you. We need to talk about the baby," he said.

Charlee nodded and sighed. "Okay. I'm keeping the baby and that's that. I know it will blow up. But I don't care. It's my baby and it's my body. You can't stop me from having this baby. So you're going to have to get your head around it."

Max sighed. "You want this baby? Okay. You can keep it. I'm not going to stop you. But it's a mess. And I have another child. A sick child. I need to be there for Isla. But I want to be there for the baby. I just need some time," he said.

Charlee looked at him and rolled her eyes. "No Max. We can't keep this hidden. I can't do it anymore. You need to tell Bailey today or I will," she said as she walked off.

Max looked at her and frowned as he realised he was about to lose everything.


Charlee walked into the staffroom as she saw Max and Bailey. She sighed to herself as she looked at Bailey. Max looked at Charlee and glared. "Don't do this," he said.

Bailey frowned and looked between them. "What's going on?" She asked.

"I need to tell you something. I'm pregnant. Max and I. We've been having an affair..."

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