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Charlee sighed as she looked at Lily who laid babbling away on the bed. Charlee knew she was preparing to leave with Lily and it scared her. She knew that Max said he would go with her but she didn't know if he would.

She sighed as she stood packing a suitcase. Tom was out again and Charlee knew that she was done caring. She also knew that Max didn't care about being in Lily's life. He said he would change and he hadn't.

Charlee frowned as she heard the door close. She pushed her suitcase under the bed. She couldn't have Tom know that she was leaving.

Charlee ran a hand through her hair and sighed as she sat on the bed with Lily. Tom walked in and smiled. Charlee didn't look at him. She could smell him. He was covered in perfume. She glanced up and saw that he had sex hair. She bit her lip annoyed. She was sick of Tom treating her like an idiot.

She stood up with Lily ignoring Tom. He sighed. "I thought we were going to try Charlee. You're acting immature," Tom said.

Charlee rolled her eyes and looked at him. "Nice hair by the way."


Charlee got to work and frowned as she walked into the office. She saw Max. "I have everything packed. Are you ready to go?" She asked. Max looked at her. Charlee could see he was upset. "Max? What is it?" She asked.

"I can't go with you Charlee. I'm sorry."

Charlee frowned and looked at him. "Why? You promised," she said.

"I can't leave Isla."

"That's not what you were saying last week," Charlee said. She was feeling heartbroken.

Max sighed. "I know. I'm sorry. It's Isla. She's in the hospital," he said.

Charlee frowned again and sat on the desk. "Is she okay?" She asked.

Max shook his head and looked at her. "She has leukaemia," he told her. He felt a tear knowing he was torn.

Charlee was shocked. She took his hand. She could see how vulnerable Max looked. It broke her heart as she hated how there was nothing she could do to help and she knew one thing. She had fallen in love with him.


Charlee walked into the staff room and saw Tom. She looked at him and sighed. "I think we need to talk," she said as Tom nodded. "You and me. I don't think I can do this anymore."

Tom frowned. "Please. What happened?... she meant nothing to me," he said.

Charlee shook her head. "No. I can't forgive you for that. And I'm sorry. But I don't love you anymore. It's over," she sobbed as she walked off leaving Tom devastated.


Charlee sighed as she sat in the cubicles as she looked to the pregnancy test in her hands. She felt sick. She knew it was from the night she and Max spent together at the hotel. She and Tom hadn't had sex since she had Lily. She looked down and frowned as she saw it was positive. She felt sick. She didn't know what to do. Max was busy with being there with Isla and she knew it would ruin everything. Charlee knew that everything was going to blow up big time.

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