Chapter 38

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They were getting closer, fast. Not only had they constructed a lair in an impressive amount of time, but they'd made one that allowed them to travel even faster than his previous one had. 

Huang stopped as they came to a large opening and glanced around the dark area. There wasn't much in terms of bioluminescent creatures yet, since the lair was brand new. He could see the beginnings of little colonies dotting the walls and flickering in the air, though. The area would be alive and well very soon. 

I'd like to return here if we end up succeeded with our plan. This place will be beautiful once it is given a chance to flourish. 

"Then we will return once our task at hand is complete," Lee Shaan said before looking over his shoulder and raising an eyebrow, drawing Huang's attention in that direction, too. 

He wanted to look away immediately, because he wasn't really one for watching others' shows of affection, but they were quite limited on time. 

Let them be. We may not all come of this situation with our lives, Lee Shaan thought to him.  

Huang looked away from where Han Qi had Zen pressed up against the wall, his mouth gently moving against his little guard's. He understood that they wanted some time, but they honestly didn't have much. 

"We do not have days, but we do have hours," Lee Shaan said as he reached over and slid his fingers into Huang's hair, then pressed his palm against the left side of his face. 

Huang scowled but didn't pull away from his touch. He wasn't used to hesitating in order to have a little more time before entering a dangerous fight... and they had one hell of a fight waiting for them at the palace. 

"All the more reason to enjoy this calm before that storm," Lee Shaan said with an uncharacteristically-warm smile. 

Pursing his lips, Huang turned and finally walked away, making Lee Shaan's fingers slip from his cool skin. 

"I am enjoying the peace and quiet of our walk," he said as he tucked his hands behind his back. 

He heard Lee Shaan's footsteps following him, but ignored him until the man was at his side once again. 

"I forgot to thank you for unsealing prince Qi's spiritual abilities right before we got to Zen," he said, making Lee Shaan grunt quietly in acknowledgement. 

"He's a healer. There is little I have to worry about as far as his offences go, so it was the wisest decision to restore his powers at that time," he said nonchalantly as they ducked into a smaller walkway. If they did survive their upcoming battle, there was definitely a good bit of work to be done in their new lair to keep him busy for awhile. 

If I survive, I might just work down here for a while before I decide to end my life. 

His glass tarantulas would definitely like the darker atmosphere, and there seemed to be plenty of areas that had higher ceilings that would be perfect for building large webs. He was just looking up to observe one such area when he felt a strong arm wrap around his middle and tug him backwards abruptly. 

He was just about to growl something unpleasant over his shoulder at the man holding him firmly against his broad chest when he heard it

That's not possible...

He felt Lee Shaan press him closer with one hand as his other lifted to settle over his mouth. It took the other man no time at all to cast an invisibility spell on them both, and thank the gods for that, because not a moment later, general Ashong appeared with a long trail of men behind him. 

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