Chapter Five

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"I didn't mean to make it uncomfortable." Isaac says looking between Ezra and I.

We had been sitting in silence for a while since Isaac had asked me if Ezra and I were on a date. I wasn't sure if we were actually on a date but I highly doubted it. I mean Ezra didn't really say we were and I wasn't exactly dressed for a date considering I came here in in jeans and my year 11 leavers shirt. 

"We're not on a date." Ezra confirms and I nod in agreement.

"Okay." Isaac says warily before turning his attention back to the tv. "God Timotheè Chalamet is like the hottest person alive."

"Agreed." I laugh at him.

"What about me?" Ezra pouts and Isaac and I look at each other before bursting into laughter.

Isaac sprawls himself onto my lap so that he has easy access to Ezra and then proceeds to grab his face and smack it a little bit. "Don't worry Ez. You know i think you're sexy."

"Thank you so much." Ezra says dramatically and roles his eyes.

"Do you have a girlfriend? Or boyfriend?" I ask Isaac because I feel like I should know at least one thing about him.

He shakes his head at and Ezra whispers something about how Isaac doesn't do relationships and I wonder if I've touched a rough topic for him. I instantly feel bad, it was never my intention to make Isaac upset. In fact I wanted us to be friends but my brain is making me think I've fucked it all up now. 

We continue to watch the movie in silence and I think Ezra and Isaac start to enjoy it because at one point they get into a ten minute discussion on whether Laurie was a prick or not. I don't realise how quickly time was going and at about eleven thirty I get a call from my mum.

"Where are you?"

"Mum, hi."

"Where the hell are you? Do you know what time it is and you couldn't be bothered to call or text."

"Sorry mum. I'm at a friends house. I'll be home in a bit."

"What friend? You've never mentioned anything about having friends."

"Uh her name is... Isabelle."

"Oh. Well I'm not having you on the street this late and its a teacher training day tomorrow so just ask her parents if you can stay there."

"Um... sure. One sec."

I hold the phone to my chest and look up at the guys. They both look back at me completely confused and I just give them a smile begging them to play along so that my mom doesn't do a 360 and shit a brick.

"So Isabelle. Is it okay with your parents if I stay here."

They both stare back at me blankly, then look at each other before looking back at me.

"Yes of course its okay babe. Don't worry about it." Isaac says in a high pitched voice pretending to be a girl.

I put the phone back to my ear, holding in my laughter.

"She said its fine."

"Why does she sound like that?"

"Like what?"

"Never mind. I'll see you tomorrow baby."

"Bye mum."

I hang up and look at Ezra. "Is it okay if I stay here tonight? Like your dad wont be mad will he? And I know we only met today so this is probably really weird and I'm a total stranger to you so I can just go somewhere else. please feel free to stop me at any given moment because I am prone to waffle quite a lot-"

"Relax, Tonoya." He laughs, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "You can have the guest room opposite my room."

"Thank you." I mumble.

"Yay Sleepover!" Isaac yells and Ezra and I both laugh.

We spend the next hour playing 21 questions and I end up finding out that Isaac has done just about every sex position you could think of. I realise by this point that he's a bit of a flirt and kind of just gets his way all the time. Ezra is more reserved and it seems like he and I are on the same page since he didn't put his finger down for any of the sexual stuff. Thank God.

"We should probably get some sleep." Ezra announces and Isaac nods in agreement.

I get up off the couch and follow them both upstairs. Isaac definitely knows where he's going as he heads down the hall after saying goodnight to Ezra and I. We stand there awkwardly after he leaves and after a while Ezra points down at my jeans.

"You can't sleep in those." He says. "I'll be right back."

He disappears into his room and returns a second later with some clothes in his hand. Its a pair of shorts and a black vest top.


I take them from him and turn to go into my own room. "Goodnight Ezra."

"Night, Tonoya."

Once I'm in the room I quickly close the door and take off Isaac's jumper and my jeans. I put the vest on and since its so long I figure I could just sleep in this. I throw myself on the bed and stare at the ceiling my mind not wanting to calm down so I can sleep.

I keep thinking about what Ezra's doing and whether or not he's sleeping. I even get up more than a few times to check but think better of it. He probably asleep like every normal person is. Once I realise that I'm not going to fall asleep right now I get up and head for the door. When I open it I see Ezra opening his door at the same time.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey." I reply.

"Can't sleep?" He asks, leaning on the door frame. "I heard you fidgeting."

"Oh." I look down at my feet. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I hope I don't wake up Isaac."

"I wasn't sleeping." He admits. "And don't worry about Isaac he sleeps like he's dead."

I laugh at that and step backwards. "Well I'm just going to go back in-"

"Do you maybe want to... come in here." He takes a hand through his hair and I smile and wonder what's making him so nervous.

I pause before answering because I can hear my mom's words ringing in my ears. 

'There is only thing a man wants from a woman in this world, especially one that has the body you do. That thing is sex.'

I don't know what he thinks is going to happen in there. I'm not doing anything with him. I think he realizes that I'm unsure because he looks quite hurt and I instantly feel bad.

"I'm not trying to..." He looks away from me. "I'm not like that. I'm not trying to do anything with you and I would never touch you unless we both wanted it. I would never hurt you."

"I  believe you." I say because I do.

I believe him.

I walk towards his room and pass him so I can head straight for his bed. He doesn't follow me, he just stands there like he's waiting for permission or something.

"Are you coming or what?" I ask.

He walks briskly towards the bed and gets in beside me but maintaining a safe distance between us.

"Tonoya?" He calls out to me and I turn to him to find his eyes closed.


"I'm glad I crashed into you with my skateboard."

I  find his hand in the dark and give it a slight squeeze so he knows I mean what I'm about to say. "Me too."

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