Chapter Ten

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"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" I ask him. "Please don't cut my hair."

"Toni, please calm down I'm not going to cut your hair." Isaac rolls his eyes at me. "I'm a professional."

"If you love your hair I'd move away from him right now." Ezra says from the arm chair.

I get up off the floor and slowly back away from Isaac whilst he pouts with scissors in his hands.

"Toni! I swear I know where your hair ends and I promise I will only cut the braid hair and not your actual hair." He complains.

"No its okay." I tell him sitting on the arm of Ezra's chair . "I'll just do it on my own."

"In that case I will be getting myself some ice cream." He says getting up and walking towards the kitchen. "No Ezra you cant have any."

"I didn't want any." Ezra calls after him.

Mum had gone to a family member's wedding back home in Jamaica and I kind of liked being at home on my own. I had come over to Ezra's house in hopes of either finding my inspiration for my photography assignment or having them help me to take out my braids. Now I realise that they are both utterly useless and know near to nothing about their own hair types let alone mine.

I sit quietly with them both and snip all my braids just before my actual hair ends and begin to take them out. Instead of watching the TV, Ezra's eyes occasionally shift to me to watch what I'm doing before looking back at the tv.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" I ask him.

He blushes and looks away from me. "Sorry."

I laugh. "What is it?"

"It's stupid." He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just feel bad that we were of no help and so I'm just trying to take note of what you do so that I can help you next time."

I smile at him and ruffle his hair. "You're so cute."

"Shut up." He smiles back, pushing my hand away.

I continue to take my braids out and he excuses himself to the bathroom. Once I've finished Isaac and I realise he hasn't come back yet. I put my hair into a ponytail and follow Isaac towards the bathroom.

He knocks on the door twice. "If you're fiddling with your meat in there I will personally chop your ball sack off myself." I jab him in the ribs and he turns to me in shock. "Ow what the hell was that for?"

"For being disgusting."

"I'm not the one jerking off in there." He complains, earning himself a smack up the head.

"I'm not jerking off you moron." Ezra says, swinging the door open.

I step into the bathroom and put my bag on the floor, looking around the room. "What were you doing?"

"I was watching a tutorial." He says, simply.

"On how to play with your junk?" Isaac asks earning himself yet another slap.

"No." Ezra glares at him, then smiles bashfully at me. "I'm gonna wash your hair."

"You're gonna do what now?" I ask him shocked.

"That's what the tutorial was for." He explains to me and I nod.

"Well isn't that cute." Isaac says sarcastically. "I hate both of you."

He leaves the room and the door gives a slight slam, instantly making me feel bad.

"Is he ok?" I ask.

"He'll be fine. Just a bit dramatic." Ezra shrugs, getting the shower head. "Shall we?"

"Okay." I say warily, stepping towards him.

"Relax, I've got this." He says, picking up my bag and finding my detangling brush and deep conditioner. "Your hair might be a little bit longer than the girl in the video's but I'm sure it wont make a difference."

"My hair is very important to me so if you fuck it up, I will fuck you up." I warn him.

"You never know, I might like that." He winks at me and I roll my eyes.

I'm a bit surprised at how well Ezra did with my hair. He stuck his tongue out the tiniest bit in concentration as he was sectioning my hair and detangling it. I could've sworn he also kissed my cheek as he leaned in closer at some point but I wasn't sure. He was gentle as he washed my roots, trying hard to not let any soap go into my eyes. It was insanely cute.

He leaves me alone in the bathroom and I quickly wash out the bath and dry the floor, making sure I don't leave any mess in there and walk downstairs. I sniff for a second trying to put a name to smell I was hit with but cant.

I've never worn my natural hair around anyone outside of my family and it makes me nervous to hear what they're going to say. I'm so lost in thought that I don't hear Ezra come up behind me.

"Hey." He says, tapping me on the back.

I let out a shriek as I turn around and almost punch him in the face but he quickly dodges it.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." I say to him.

He shakes his head and smiles at me, leading me into the kitchen. "My fault, I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that."

We step into the kitchen and the smell suddenly gets stronger and I frown. "What is this?"

"I made tea." Isaac jumps up.

I look around. "I don't see any tea."

He tilts his head at me and frowns. "Tonoya Johnson I am not having this debate with you again. Why wont you admit that its tea?"

I laugh at him. "Tea is some tory bullshit."

"I'm not a tory." He gasps and looks to Ezra for help. "Tell her."

"I don't know what a Tory is so." He shrugs. "But I will agree with Tonoya and say that it is Dinner and not whatever you said."

"Thank you." I smile at him and Isaac turns to me outraged.

"He's American. What the fuck does he know?"

"Hey." Ezra says, clearly offended.

"Anyway." I roll my eyes. "What's for dinner?"

Isaac's eye twitches at my use of the word but he doesn't comment on it which makes me laugh. "Fish fillets and chopped black truffles."

"What the fuck is that?" I ask.

"What the fuck is what?"

"That truffles shit." I say. "What are they?"

"A fungus." He shrugs his shoulders.

"Where did you get them from?" Ezra asks him whilst I try to deal with the fact that he just tried to get me to eat fungus. "Do you just carry them around in your pocket?"

"Do you want to eat or not?" Isaac crosses his hands over his chest.

"Isaac I love you." I tell him. "Which is why I just did a quick little prayer so that I can eat your fish. I will not, however, be eating any fungus."

He smiles at me, for some reason genuinely happy that I will be eating his cooking. "Fine by me."

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