Chapter Sixteen

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"MORNING SUNSHINE!" Isaac whispers to me, waking me up and he screams as I throw my fist his way.


"You punched me in the face!" Isaac shrieks in pain, clutching his jaw. "WHY WOULD YOU PUNCH ME IN MY SWEET BEAUTIFUL FACE? THIS IS MY GREATEST ASSEST!"

"YOU SNUCK INTO MY ROOM WHILST I WAS ASLEEP!" I scream, shoving him off the bed.



Isaac sniffs, climbing into the bed next to me. "I didn't sneak. I made a key."

"You made a key to my house and didn't tell me?" I yawn. 

"Of course, I did." He sniffs again. 

"Are you crying?" I ask him with a laugh, pushing him slightly.

"Yes." He crinkles his nose. "Your morning breath is disgusting."



"You and I both know you deserved it this time." I mutter, pushing him away.

"IM BLEEDING YOU SICK, SICK GIRL!" Isaac groans, holding his nose that is, in fact, bleeding. "THIS SHOULD BE A CRIME!"

"Don't you think you're being a tad bit dramatic?" I ask, rolling out of bed. 

"No, I do not." He rolls his eyes, grabbing a tissue for his nose. "Please get dressed whilst I try to keep myself alive." 

I furrow my eyebrows and take a quick glance at my alarm clock. "It's nine am on a Sunday aka the day of rest. Where am I going?" 

"Shopping." Isaac answers with a huge grin. 

"For?" I walk out of my bedroom and to the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

"The concert tonight." He rolls his eyes at me as he follows me into the bathroom and sits patiently on the toilet as I brush my teeth. 

After brushing my teeth, I shoo him out of the bathroom so I can get in the shower and get dressed. I change into something simple and sigh as I put my shoes on. When I get downstairs, I hear a beep come from outside, I look what it is and gasp. 

Isaac grins and waves frantically from the driver's side of a black Aston Martin. 

I run over to him after locking my door and look wildly from him to the car. "WHO'S CAR IS THIS?" 

"Mine." He smiles. 

"When did you get a car?" I ask. "I didn't even know you could drive."

"This morning and I've had my license for ages, just didn't have a car." He explains. "Now get in."

I get into the passenger's side of the car and quickly strap my seatbelt on. Isaac winks at me and pulls out of my driveway. 

"Now what are you going to wear on your first date?" He asks, eyes trained on the road. 

"What are you talking about?" I look at him. "I'm not going on a date." 

He scoffs at me and gives me a quick glance before looking back at the road. "Why did you think I only bought two tickets? Ezra's been wanting to ask you out for ages." 

I don't say anything and chew my lip to stop myself from being sick. I can't help what I think. No guy would ever want me and hearing this from Isaac just makes me feel like this is some sort of game that they're trying to play on me. Like its all some big dare and is going to blow up in my face. 


"Do I look okay?" I ask Isaac as I stare at myself in the mirror. 

"You look beautiful." He smiles, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. 

After an entire day of shopping and trying to find the perfect outfit, Isaac brought us back to Ezra's house so we could get ready. 

"Thanks." I say, still staring at myself. 

He wraps around my waist and pulls me away from the mirror. "Come on, Ezra's waiting." 

I walk out into the hall to find Ezra waiting at the end of the stairs. When he spots me, he gives me a huge grin. 

"Tonoya, I think you might just be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He whispers so quietly that I could barely hear it from where I'm stood. 

It took an entire half hour for Ezra to convince Isaac to let him borrow the car and when he finally agreed Ezra just about flew. 

"If there is so much as a scratch on the car I swear to God." Isaac warns but Ezra just waves him off. 

It doesn't take us long to get to the concert venue and Ezra holds my hand the entire time. When the first song starts to play Ezra turns to look at me. 

"Are you okay?" He asks. 

"I can't see over these people's heads." I laugh. "But other than that, I'm great."

"I can fix that." He laughs back. 

He knees down and gestures for me to get on to his back. I laugh again but do as he say, and he stands up so I can see the entire stage. I run my hands through his hair, and he plants a kiss on my inner thigh. 

As the final song plays, I hear a few girls laugh from behind me. I turn my head to them, and they roll their eyes at me. 

"Your fat, gorilla head is so distracting." One huffs at me. "I mean seriously, why do they let your lot in?" 

I don't say anything to her but just turn back around and try to enjoy the concert. I look down at Ezra's face and he seems to be having the time of his life, completely oblivious to the world around him. 

On our way back Ezra asks if I want to go back to his house to hang out for a while and I agree. When we get to his house, we find Isaac in the kitchen sipping wine out of a straw in the living room. 

He looks up at us as we enter and smiles. "Hey, how was the concert?" 

"Great." I answer. 

Ezra grabs my hand and makes me look at him. "Can we talk?" 

My stomach starts to do flips and I feel like I'm going to be sick, but I nod. He leads me upstairs and into his bedroom, closing the door behind him. 

"What's going on?" I ask. 

"I'm going to say something, and I don't want you to freak out or anything."

"Ok." I whisper. 

He laughs awkwardly. "I'm not entirely sure how something like this works but I guess I'm just going to wing it. Tonoya I think you're absolutely amazing. You are the most caring, beautiful and enchanting person I have ever met. I'd drink bleach if you told me, it was water."

"Stop." I whisper but it's barely audible. 

I'm crazy about you. You are my first thought in the morning and my last thought before I go to sleep. Tonoya, I'm in love with you."

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