Chapter Twenty - Eight

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"OH MY GOD FINALLY!" Isaac screams falling to his knees, crawling over to Ezra and wrapping his arms around his leg. "AT LAST YOU HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE."

Everyone in the room ignores him and I focus on the vein that's going to pop out of Katie's head. Her hands are clenched at her sides and her head is down, with her bangs covering her eyes but I'm pretty sure they're closed. 

"Are you okay over there?" Charlie asks her because she definitely looks like she's going to explode. 

Charlie reaches over to poke her but Katie just swats her hand away, finally looking up. Katie glares hard at Ezra, shaking with anger. "You can't do this." 

"This has never happened to me before." Ezra looks over his shoulder at me. "They usually just slap me and leave." 

Isaac looks up at him from his position. "We are definitely having a party after this." He wipes a fake tear from his face. "I'm so proud of you. I remember this one time I had to break things off with this guy and he-"

"Isaac." I kick him and his blue gaze flickers over to me. "Stop it!"

"But he's finally breaking up with her." He points at Katie who is shooting daggers at me and then he looks back at me, arms still wrapped around Ezra's leg who is trying very hard to shake him off. "Ding Dong! The witch is dead and all."

"Are you actually trying to break up with me? In front of all your friends?" Katie glares at every single one of us. "Ezra please."

Ezra actually looks kind of bored and bends down to pick up Isaac's dog, Lottie, from the floor. She's a pretty small golden retriever so she just sits there in his arms as he yawns. "I wanted to go to your house but you insisted on coming here." Is all he says.

"Ive been the perfect girlfriend!" Katie huffs, stomping her feet.

"Have you?" Ezra yawns again. "You only want me cause I'm rich."

Isaac gasps and points. "A GOLD DIGGER!"

Katie swiftly moves her gaze to me, eyes livid. "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" She lunges for me but at the last moment Isaac shifts himself and extends a leg so that she trips on it.

She gets up and stomps hard on Isaac's leg making him yelp in pain, cursing at her and then she walks towards Ezra. She stares at him for a moment and he stares back before she lifts her hand to slap him but he carefully takes ahold of her wrist.

"I don't think so." He rolls his eyes.

"She tried to drown Tonoya." Charlie blurts out, from her place on Ezra's sofa. All eyes turn to me and I glare at Charlie. "Seriously?" I sigh and she puts both hands on the sides of her face. "I'm so sorry."

"She tried to drown you?" Ezra gapes at me, still holding tight to Katie's wrist but he lets Isaac take Lottie from his arms.

"And you didn't tell us?" Isaac also gapes at me.

"You let me DATE HER?" Ezra cringes and I sigh.

"Well actually you were already dating her and she threatened me." I say.

Ezra turns to Katie. "You tried to drown her? And then threatened her? Are you out of your fucking mind?" He shouts at her and then lets go of her wrist. "Don't talk, just get out."

"Ez-" She starts but Isaac cuts her off.

"He said get out. That means move your ass and don't come back."

He pushes her towards the door and outside, slamming it closed in her face. He comes back over to us and flops on the sofa, his head in Charlie's lap.

"Now what?" I ask them all, trying not to think about the fact that Katie will most definitely try to kill me at some point soon.

"Now I can do this." Ezra grins, grabbing my face in both his hands. He leans down and kisses my lips.

I smile and kiss him back and just as he pulls away he nips my lip with his teeth.

"THANK THE LORD!" Isaac yells, moving over to his side so he can see us better. "I have been waiting for this for months!"

"This is like the second best day of my life." Charlie gushes, her hand in Isaac's hair.

"What's the first one?" I laugh sitting next to her.

"The day I kiss her." Isaac looks up at her and she rolls her eyes.

"As if." She says pushing him off her lap.

He gets up onto his knees, pushing his blonde hair out of his face, blue eyes sparkling and places his hands on Charlie's thighs. "You think I'm joking." He says tilting his head and smirking.

In this moment he actually kind of reminds me of Lottie and it makes me smile. 

"I know you're joking." Charlie ruffles his hair and he leans into it. "And besides I thought you liked Jeremiah." 

Isaac raises an eyebrow at her. "I cant have both of you?" 

I throw a pillow at him and he laughs, standing up. "I'm just messing around." He walks into the kitchen. "Mostly." He calls out. 

We follow him into the kitchen and I pause when I see him sipping on a glass of wine with a straw in his mouth and frowning at his phone screen. 

"What's up?" Ezra  asks him, opening the fridge and grabbing a Capri-sun. 

Isaac huffs leaning on the countertop and shoves his phone in Ezra's hand. Ezra looks at it, his brows furrowing and gives the phone back to Isaac. 

"What is it?" Charlie and I ask. 

The boys look at each other before looking at Charlie and I. "My brother's moving back in." Isaac mutters. 

I'm a bit taken back by Isaac's mood as I've never seen him like this. "What's wrong with that?" I ask hesitantly. 

"Isaac's brother is kind of a huge homophobe." Ezra explains and Isaac rolls his eyes. 

"He's not like that to anyone else other than me."  He says taking another sip. "He's just jealous of me. Thinks I'm mom and dads favourite, which I am, but that's not my fault. He finds anything to bully me about." 

"Like he's five." Ezra sighs. 

I nod and Charlie goes to give him a hug. He gives her a hug back before pushing her off him and replacing his frown with a cheeky grin. 

"I wanna bake." Is all he says before grabbing a bunch of ingredients from Ezra's cupboards. 

I look up at Ezra expectantly but he just shrugs pulling me into his arms so that my back is pressed up against his stomach. He wraps his arms around me and Charlie sits up on the counter, we all watch as Isaac mixes a bunch of ingredients into a bowl and hums to himself. 

After a minute he looks up at us and reaches a hand into the flour bag. Its too late for me to duck by the time I realise what he's doing as he launches a handful of flour at Ezra and I. 

"Dont just stand there and watch me you useless pieces of shit." He throws a handful at Charlie. "Help me." 

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