Chapter Seven

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I get off the bus in town and groan as it starts to rain cats and dogs. It's horrible when it rains, the world just looks as sad as I am. I pull my hood on over my braids and try to find Ezra and Isaac in the crowd. After ten minutes of not being able to find them where they said they would be I pull my phone from my pocket, trying to keep the thought of them ditching me at bay.

I open my phone so that I can shoot Ezra a text but see I've had three missed calls from him. I press his name to call him back and curse myself for having my phone on silent.

"Hey." He answers. "I've been trying to call you."

"Yeah sorry. My phone was on silent."

"No problem. I'll find you."


He hangs up the phone and a few minutes later I see him walking towards me. He envelopes me into a hug and I sigh at how warm he is compared to me. He's bundled up in a black trench coat and matching blue scarf and hat whilst I'm only wearing my hoodie. At least he bothered to check the weather app.

He removes the scarf from around his neck and puts it around mine. "Here you go."

"Thanks." I smile at him before realizing Isaac isn't with him. "Where's your boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" He questions me, raising his eyebrow. "Oh you mean Mr. Cho."

"If by Mr. Cho you mean Isaac and not his very wealthy father whom I hope I never meet then yes." I laugh, linking my arm with his.

He leads me towards the Starbucks around the corner and I spot Isaac in the window sipping a hot drink. He looks up just as we get close and his face instantly brightens up and he gives me a big grin. He leaves his drink on the table and comes running out the door towards us with his arms wide.

Ezra opens up his arms too and runs towards him but Isaac narrowly misses him, hugging me instead. "Tonoya!"

"What about me?" Ezra asks him looking completely offended.

Isaac doesn't even spare him a glance but just continues to hug me. "I've seen your face almost every day for the past seventeen years."

I ease myself out of Isaac's grasp and he turns to Ezra with wide arms, Ezra, however folds his arms and turns away from him. "Fuck you."

I gasp. "I didn't mean to come between your relationship. I'm not a homewrecker."

"That ship sailed a very long time ago." Isaac dismisses me with his hand. "Ezra's too straight for me."

"Is that so?" I look at Ezra. "So no girlfriend?"

"He's never had one." Isaac chimes in.

"Thanks a lot." Ezra rolls his eyes at him then looks at me. "I've never met a girl I've liked enough."

I smile at him. It's sweet how he doesn't want to get a girlfriend until he finds the right person.

"Come on." He grabs my hand pulling me towards the Starbucks. "I'll buy you a drink."

"Thank you." I say walking with him on one side and Isaac on the other.

I suppose it must look weird to the people around us. One five foot seven black girl in between two six foot four white guys. I'm used to people looking at me weirdly or clutching their bags closer to them when i walk past. But these guys aren't, I'm pretty sure they've never had anybody give them a weird look about anything they do.

"What the fuck are they looking at?" Ezra says under his breath.

I fight the urge to whisper back that they're looking at me and just let him lead me to our table. Isaac and I sit down and Ezra takes off his coat and hat, laying them on the chair next to me.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"Can I get a Caramel Macchiato?" I look up at him and he nods. "Thanks."

There's a moment of silence once Ezra goes up to order before Isaac speaks up. "Ez doesn't get it but he tries his best."

I look at him. "Get what?"

He ignores me and continues with what he's saying. "I'm not saying I get it either but I think I might understand."

"Isaac you're not making any sense." I complain, tapping his hand on the table.

"Sorry." He looks down at his lap. "I just mean that whilst Ezra and I will never be able to really get what you go through here, everyday. I kind of understand and I'll be here if you ever want to talk about it. Every time I go out with my parents or I tell people my last name is 'Cho' I get all kinds of looks like I don't fit in or something."

"Isaac I-"

"I'm not trying to compare our situations don't get me wrong. There is no way in hell I could relate to what happens to you. I'm just saying that I probably understand it more than Ezra would and if there's anything that you want to talk about but don't think you can go to him about it. I want you to know that you can talk to me."

He smiles at me and I smile back with tears in my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you."

Ezra walks over carrying two drinks in his hand. He takes the seat beside me, handing me my drink.

"Are you guys okay?" He asks.

"Yeah we're fine." I say, taking a sip of my drink.

"Just girl talk." Isaac shrugs.

"Oh okay." Ezra says taking his phone out of his pocket. "The movie starts in a half hour so we should get going."

"Sure." I stand up with my drink in hand. "Let's go."

We make our way out of the Starbucks and head towards the Cinema.

"So how often did you come here before?" I ask Ezra.

"All the time during Summer Vacation, Christmas and literally every other international holiday." He answers me.

"So how come I've never seen either of you?" I ask both of them.

"Ezra doesn't normally go out with me unless it's one of those fancy dinners my dad makes us go too or a party. And I'm normally at the skate park or Art studio."

"Makes sense." I nod as we walk inside of the cinema. "Popcorn anyone? My treat."

"Mud? Is that you?"

I freeze. I have never wanted anything more in my life than to die right here, right now. I don't even bother turning around because I already know who it is.

"Who is that?" Isaac asks me. "And why is she calling you that?"

"Mud, I'm talking to you." Cecilia says tapping me on the shoulder.

"Cecilia please leave me alone." I groan, holding back tears.

She scoffs. "I'm here at the cinema like everyone else."

"Back off." Ezra says.

She looks up at him and then scowls before turning her gaze to Isaac. "And who are you?"

"Not interested." He says, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Wait I know you." She smirks. "It's me Cecilia and you're Isaac Cho. You kissed me at that party last week."

"I did no such thing." He gasps.

I look up at him shocked and Ezra punches him in the shoulder. "How can you not remember if you kissed her?"

"I didn't kiss her." Isaac complains.

"Yes you did." Cecilia says in a sing song voice. "We were drunk then but I'm sure we could always refresh your memory."

"Never gonna happen in a million years Celery." Isaac rolls his eyes at her before shooing her like you would an animal. "Now go away."

I turn to the guys once she's gone and I don't even need to say anything before they wrap their arms around me.

I silently pay for the popcorn and we head into the screening room. Just as the movie is about to start I quickly whisper something to Isaac.

"I can't believe you kissed her."

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