Chapter Fifteen

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Isaac looks wildly at me as if he couldn't believe this and throws a pillow at Ezra. "You think I have a crush on Jeremiah? I, Isaac Oliver Cho, does not crush on people! I have sex with them and then never speak to them again!" He pauses just as he realises Ezra is laughing at him. "DO NOT MOCK ME!"

Ezra closes his eyes for a moment and opens them again, trying to stop laughing by holding his breath. "Okay... I'm sorry."

Isaac looks at him angrily. "Why would you even think that I like him? How could you even think that?"

"Who is Jeremiah?" I ask but they don't seem to notice.

"The two of you just seem close." He muses, pulling out his phone.

"CLOSE?" Isaac screams incredulously and looks as if he's about to explode. "HAVE YOU MET JEREMIAH? He doesn't do close!"

"Why are you getting so worked up about this?" Ezra doesn't even look up from his phone.

"Who is Jeremiah?" I ask again.

"I AM NOT! I just think it's really bloody offensive for you to even think that about me." Isaac huffs, crossing his arms.


Both boys turn to stare at me with their eyes wide.

"Toni there's no need to yell, you could've just asked." Isaac smiles at me and I roll my eyes at him.

"Jeremiah is a guy at Isaac's school that he rants about all the fucking time." Ezra explains to me. "He's basically in love with him."

"NO, I AM NOT!" Isaac gets up from the bed. "I do not fall in love with people."

"Okay fine you just want to bone him." Ezra shrugs with a giggle. "Same difference."


"Okay shit." Ezra puts his hands up. "Don't yell at me."

"Why is it so bad if you do like him?" I ask, sprawling out on his bed.

Isaac rolls his eyes. "Falling in love is for losers. like you too."

I laugh uncomfortably and change the subject. "So why did you want me over here so urgently if it wasn't to talk about your love life."

"Oh right." Isaac walks over to his desk and takes a rectangle parcel from out of one of the drawers. He walks over to me and basically throws it at me. "Happy birthday!"

"It's not her birthday." Ezra says to him.

"My birthday is in May." I pick up the parcel.

Isaac chews his lip in thought with a frown. "What month are we in?"

"December." I say as I shake the parcel trying to figure out what it is. "What even is this?"

"It's an early birthday present." Isaac waves me off. "Open it, dummy."

I carefully take the wrapper off and take the tickets out of the box. I gasp as I see that they're Arctic Monkeys tickets.

"Thank you so much!" I squeal throwing my arms around him.

"It's not a big deal." He laughs hugging me back.

"Wait." I say as I pick up the tickets again. "Why is there only two?"

"I'm not going. it's just you two." He winks and I suddenly have an odd feeling in my stomach.

"Cool." Ezra says wrapping his arms around me. "Sounds fun right Tonoya."

"Um... yeah." I mumble, no longer excited about the concert.

It's not that Ezra makes me uncomfortable it's just my mum's words got to me and now I don't know what to think of him. He literally said he was in love with me a couple of nights ago. What was that? It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't matter how much he likes me, we're too different.

All the looks we'd get, and all the things' people say. None of its worth it especially if he's only going to hurt me.

Isaac sniffs the air which makes me break out of my thoughts before both he and Ezra scream, breaking my ear drums. "MOM MADE DUMPLINS!"

They both run down the stairs pushing each other whilst I follow behind them laughing at how stupid they are. Isaac trips on the last step and groans as Ezra doubles over and laughs at him.

"SHE'S NOT YOUR MOM SHES MINE!" Isaac yells as he got up.

The two boys stop in their tracks and Ezra frowns at him. "Dude, you can't say that."

"I know, I'm so sorry." Isaac looks at him wide eyed, going in for a hug.

"You know my mom's gone." He sniffs, pretending that he's crying.

Isaac looks petrified and looks at me but I only shrug because I'm not entirely sure whether Ezra is actually crying or not. "Don't make me feel bad."

There was a moment of silence before Ezra begins laughing. "Nah I'm kidding, let's go eat."

"You are a psycho." Isaac mutters before following him into the kitchen.

Ezra turns around to face him with a sickly-sweet smile. "Do you mind letting me borrow your bike."

"I will absolutely not be letting you anywhere that bike." Isaac answers taking a seat.

"You made fun of my no mom issue." Ezra pleads, taking advantage of the situation that happened before.

"Ezra!" I scold him jokingly and he winks at me.

"Fine." Isaac sighs dramatically. "But if anything happens, I swear I will feed you to the scariest dog on the planet."

"And what's that?" I ask.

"Why Lottie of course." Isaac coos as he picks up the golden retriever on the floor beside her feet. "Aren't you the scariest? Yes, you are."

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