Chapter Twenty - Nine

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I look up from the collage of pictures in my hands, to see three idiots staring back at me with smiles on their faces. "What?" I spit at them. 

"Ooh, someone's cranky." Ezra, leans over the table and places a soft kiss on my mouth making melt. 

"I'm sorry." I cup his cheek. "This Photography assignment is looking harder than I expected." I turn my gaze to Charlie and Isaac and they're still smiling. "What's up?" 

"You realise that you haven't seen Katie at all this past week and that Cecilia has left you alone?" Ezra says to me and I nod. 

"Yeah I though it was weird." I shrug my shoulders. 

"Not weird." Isaac corrects, blue eyes sparkling. "Genius." 

I sigh kicking my bedroom door closed with my foot. "I'm confused." 

Charlie pats my shoulder, still smiling. "How naive you are my sweet beautiful girl." 

I frown at her, pushing the photos away from me. "I'm still confused." 

"Katie's been expelled." Ezra shrugs and I gape at him. 

My mouth falls open and he uses his thumb to gently close it again, I narrow my eyes. "How did that happen?" 

"She was stealing maths answers." Charlie tuts. 

"She was?" I ask. 

"Well," Isaac says bashfully, messing up his hair. "She may have had a little help." 

"What did you do?" I glare at him. 

"Nothing." He puts his hands up in defense, before stuffing them into his pockets and shrugging his shoulders. "I may or may not have been trying to get her permanently excluded since Ezra went on that first date with her." 

"And what about Cecilia?" 

"My parents spoke to her parents and they were very embarrassed to learn that their daughter is a racist AND a homophobe." Isaac winks at me. 

"She's a homophobe?" I ask Ezra and he shrugs. 

"She could have been." 

"Okay." I nod my head. 

"Okay now get up." Charlie pulls me out of my seat. 

"Why?" I laugh following her lead. 

"I was being serious that night when Ezra broke up with Katie." Isaac pushes me forwards. 

"Stop saying her name." Ezra groans, taking ahold of my other hand. 

Isaac ignores him. "I'm having a party." 

I stop walking as we get to the stairs and turn around to look at him. "Are you actually?" 

"Of course I am." He smiles. "Any excuse to have a party." 

"It's a fancy party too." Charlie smiles. 

I roll my eyes and continue walking downstairs. The others go outside and wait in Isaac's car as I quickly pull on my shoes and send mum a text telling her where I am. I lock the door behind me and sit at the back with Charlie. 

We drive into the town centre and Isaac parks in one of the really expensive car parks. I tell him that we could've just got the bus and it wouldve been a lot cheaper and he laughs, obviously thinking I was joking. 

I dont exactly know where we're going so i just follow the rest of them as they lead me into Selfridges. I dont tell them that when I was younger I used to walk around here wondering what it would be like if i could afford something in here. I just watch as they pick up all sorts of clothes, even Charlie barely blinks at the price tags. 

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