Chapter Eight

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The weekend had passed and neither Ezra or Isaac brought up that day at the cinema and I was grateful for it. I hate how Cecilia thinks she can just pop up like the wicked witch of the west and ruin my day and I just let her.

I think back to the summer holidays before year seven when I had decided that I wanted to make friends and didn't want to be the only one who didn't have any one to talk to.

No one spoke to me during school, they just pretended I didn't exist and I think I hated that a lot more than the bullying because at least when they were bullying me they saw me and I just wanted to be seen. I always ate my lunch on my own on a table by the bins and never looked in the mirror because I always saw what they saw. Something disgusting. 

I had heard from a group of the other kids that everyone was going to the local park and I figured it would be nice if I joined them. It was not nice.

I got dressed in my galaxy leggings, plain white tee and denim jacket. I thought I looked so cool and that maybe they would like me because of that. I made my to the park myself, thinking I was too cool to have my mom drop me off.

"Hi." I said, walking over to the group of kids.

"What are you doing here?" Cecilia sneered at me.

"I wanted play out with you guys and maybe make some friends." I bit my lip, taking a step back suddenly being aware that this wasn't a good idea.

Cecilia stepped forwards. "We don't like you. Do you not understand that? Are you dumb? No one likes you blackie."

"But I haven't done anything to you." My lip quivered and I tried hard to stop it. 

"My parents say people like you are hideous and look like they're from planet of the apes or something." Someone shouted. "Go back to where you came from."

I didn't tell her that I was in fact born here I just blinked back the tears and turned running away. I felt hands push me forwards and I smacked my chin off of the concrete. I think the scars still there. 

My vision blurred with tears and I could taste the blood in my mouth. I couldn't say anything despite how much I wanted too. How much I wanted to scream that this was unfair and all I've ever wanted to do was be remotely happy. 

"Woops. You're so clumsy, Mud." Cecilia laughed and the other kids laughed too.

The tears streamed down my face and for a second I wished I could just die. I got up off the floor and ran all the way home, refusing to stop in case they were chasing me.

I banged on the door, waiting for my mom to let me in. She swung open the door, took one look at me and brought me into her arms making me cry harder.

"What happened?" She asked me, picking the bits of grass out of my curls.

"They hate me." I cried loudly. "Why do they hate me? What did I ever do to them?"

"Oh baby." She tried to soothe me but nothing could stop me from crying. "It's okay. You owe them nothing. They don't have to like you."

"Why did you choose to live here?" I asked her. "No one looks like us here."

"Because I know this area is filled with opportunities and you'll do great things." She brushed my back. "You're gonna do great things and then they'll see."

My mother didn't understand how badly I wanted to fit in. How often I would cry because I didn't understand why I was so different. I didn't care what great things I was gonna do because I had no one other than her to share them with.

I shake the memory from my mind and get out of bed. I pull on my uniform, flying through the door before mum can catch me.

I start the walk to school and raise my eyebrows when I see Ezra and Isaac waiting for me down the road. I run down the road, holding tight to the camera at my side.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask them.

"I'm here to walk with you to school and Isaacs here because he needs a reason to be late to his fancy all boys school." Ezra shrugs throwing his arm around my shoulder and steering me in the direction of the school.

"What's with the camera?" Isaac asks taking it from my shoulder and holding it up to his eye.

"It's for my photography a level. I'm trying to find something inspirational." I explain, taking it from him.

He gasps happily. "Well why didn't you just say so. I'd be happy to be your muse."

I snap a picture of him whilst laughing. "Thank you Isaac I'll consider that."

"Do you wanna hang out after school?" Ezra asks, looking down at me.

"I would but I have to study for my maths exam." I tell him and then nudge him in the ribs. "And you should start studying for your own exams too."

Isaac snorts. "Ezra has never studied a day in his life."

Ezra removes his arm from around me and makes a move to attack Isaac. "Yes I have."

"Since when?" Isaac asks and when Ezra can't give him a time frame he sticks his tongue out like a child.

We continue to walk towards our school and when we stop in front of it I turn around to wave Isaac off. 

"See you later." Ezra tells him. 

"Wow. Not even gonna say you're going to miss me?" Isaac slaps a hand on his chest. 

"Bye Isaac." I say, giving him a hug.

He hugs me back and turns around walking away. Ezra and I do the same until we hear him shout. 

"Does this uniform make me look fat?"

Ezra and I look down at his completely hideous brown uniform and Ezra shouts back at him. "No but you look like a giant piece of shit."

A/N: Hey guys. quick Author's note. thank you so much for reading this book as it means a lot to me and I appreciate you all. I have a new book called Tattenbrooke House and the first two chapters are out if you could take a look at that it would mean the world. Have a great rest of your day/night. 

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