2 - Blue Side

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Every time the weekend comes, I try to hum out loud words like productiveness, achievement, and consistency. That way, I hope I'll induce a positive direction for my mood. Easier said than done because I don't have the chance to blink properly, and it's already Monday.

The company I dedicate my effort and attention to is decent in terms of money and co-workers—a first plus. Initially, I applied for the customer service manager position for a fashion company called Blue Side, which I've heard it's pretty popular in Korea.

Truth to be told, I did not even pay attention to what I was applying back then until they rejected me, saying that my profile would fit better for a junior display consultant with the Japanese branch. 

Again, I cannot complain because this job saved me from being homeless for an unlimited time in China. However, I still believe I'd do good as a manager.

I've been learning Japanese for three years due to my passion for manga and anime, which as a child, was merely a hobby, but eventually, it helped me obtain my language certificate and counted for this job. 

I studied marketing and business for more than five years during my bachelor's and master's, and my work experience was enough to get the manager function. It looks like they wanted someone else. I will vaguely speculate they want someone Korean, though I hope I'm wrong.

As the days passed, I felt more and more comfortable with my decision. On my first day, people avoided me because I was a foreigner. But now everyone is friendly and interested in finding out everything about me and why I chose Korea in the first place. 

When asked, I simply answer that I find the Korean market so rich in opportunities and has an extraordinary opening for development and business.

I assume it sounds more professional than "Yeah, I was in a crisis of a personal matter. I chickened out when I heard about kids and marriage. By the way, my actual destination was Japan, but I took a flight to China and ended up here".

Stupid, right?

The formal, polite reason I kept repeating to everybody is rather appealing to the curious colleagues I have. They say they appreciate my courage to leave my country and move here alone. I don't bother to explain which one is my home country because it's a waste of time and will provoke other irrelevant questions. So instead, I'd smile and nod each time they compliment my bravery.

Hayun has also kicked off the week fruitfully. After I went out with Hobi, I found her home radiant and happy due to the call that stopped her from joining us. Apparently, the client mentioned by Hobi would like to promote and advertise her earrings to some local stores in the city center. 

If I were her, I would also be brighter than the sun because that's a giant step for such a small business.

As expected, we celebrated her success by drinking two bottles of wine. And considering the headache I had before, you can imagine Sunday was a dead day for my poor body. When I lived in France, I was more active, working out very often and going for a jog early in the morning.

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