One-Two Combo

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2 weeks ago

"Now, let's talk about Kai 'The Blaze' Smith and his unbelievable 10 fight win streak. He is definitely in talks of getting a title shot now!!! I mean, the guy is tearing it up in the lightweight division. The 155 pounders are running scared of this guy. They call him 'The Blaze' because his striking is FIYA!!!! Kai should get this title shot. Anyone who argues otherwise, I just show them the faces of his last 10 opponents. They all look like they ran over by train. Kai is dangerous and no one can touch him. However, Hugh 'Danger Zone' Holland tends to disagree. Even though his striking is dangerous, he really shines as a wrestler. He said that one day, Kai would wish he would've trained more as grappler. But, I do like Kai's response though. He said, 'I already grapple. I'm the best at grappling in bed, don't believe me? Ask the ladies.' Kai is hilarious. Anyway, we'll be right back after a word from our sponsors."

Kai turned off the radio as he pulled into the parking lot of the gym. The gym wasn't your stereotypical gym. It was an old Monastery that has been fixed up by the owner. It was the best gym, because it trained some of best champions in NFC history. Plus it had ties with legends of Mixed Martial Arts. They trained Gina Carano, Dan Henderson, Chuck Liddell, Stephen Thompson, and Casey O'Neil (All are actual fighters, and no. This isn't an actual gym lol.) He was excited to be part of a team that trained such talent.

As Kai began his workout, he noticed a girl walking into the gym. He saw that she had her training gear in her bag and was wearing workout clothes, so he knew this wasn't a girl trying to find exciting men or some excitement in her life. Her red hair came cascading down her shoulder, her lips are soft and plump, her eyes bursting with the colour of amber. She was beautiful. She wore an orange crop top and black shorts. Kai saw that she was signing the papers to get special training, she was fighter.

She made her way to punching bags and began her warmup. Then she put on her wraps and her boxing gloves, which then led to her beating the ever living shit out of the bag.

"Damn, what did the bag do to you?" Kai asked as he approached her.

"Damn bag pissed me of yesterday, so I decided to pay it a little visit" she responded as she threw a question mark kick. Dirty thoughts began to invade Kai's mind as he saw her leg hit the bag in the air.

"Well I hope it gives you the money it owes ya. I'm Kai, by the way."

"Skylor Chen. You know, you really look familiar" stated Skylor as she kept working the bag.

"Well I hope so, I'm the guy in the poster outside" Kai pointed at the entrance.

Then Skylor stopped punching the bag and had a look of confusion.

"Wait, you're Kai 'The Blaze' Smith?"


"Oh my gosh!!! I'm talking to one of the best strikers in the world, you train here?"

"Of course I train here! To be the best, you gotta train with the best. And for your sake, I hope you are the best, because they don't just let anyone in here. What's your record?"

"30-5 as an amateur."

Kai's eyes widen in surprise, "Really? You must very talented then."

"Thanks" said Skylor as she turned her head to hide her blush.

"How long have you been fighting?"

"Since I was 6. My dad wanted me to train to protect myself, which didn't make sense at the time cause I was homeschooled. But once I went to high school, I started to use my skills. I've been competing in the amateur circuit since I was 15."

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