Only One Can Remain

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August 13th

Jay woke up energized. He was excited to train for the first time. After skipping breakfast, he went on a small run to warm up. After the warm up at 5 am, he went to the gym and saw Cole working the bag.

"I thought you didn't do this anymore," Jay laughed.

"Still going on runs?" Cole asked as he turned away from the bag and took off his gloves.


"You always run. Good to know your cardio is still good."

Coach Wu stepped out of the office with his tea and said "Let's Begin."

2 weeks later

Cole had not taken it easy on Jay. Grappling has turned into a FUCKING nightmare for Jay. The training regime was tough, practicing takedowns, positioning, and rolling (sparring in grappling) with Cole.

"For a father and retired wrestler, you're still a tough motherfucker, dirt clod" Jay said breathlessly.

"You're still shit at trying to break my limbs. You still can't do an armbar" Cole retorted as he leaned on the wall.

"Come on, let's go again."

2 weeks later again

"Ok, you're ready."


"NO, Fuck no! You still suck," Cole crossed his arms, "but you did get better though. Time to find you a fight."

Jay's face turned to excitement and ran into Dareth's office. "Dareth, I need you to find me a fight!"

Dareth eventually signs Jay for The War Tournament. It is a violent tournament that Jay has fought in but didn't get past the quarterfinals. Jay knows the risk, but he has to accept it. No one is willing to sign him in their league. On September 12th, Jay signed the contract. The tournament starts on September 17th. After one tough weight cut, Jay made weight for 145 pounds on Friday, September 16th. The Featherweight tournament would be tough, Jay has to consistently make weight for the next few weeks in order to participate. Meaning he would risk not only his reputation but his health. Weight cuts are draining enough as they are. Jay basically lost 5 pounds of water weight to fight in featherweight and now he has to do that for the next few weeks. The only thing that was keeping him healthy during the fight was his rehydration plan. Jay's fight weight would be 155-165 pounds.

September 17th, Jay's final chance to keep fighting

Jay and his team were walking backstage to get to their dressing room. Jay was the fourth fight in the main card. You would think that he is hyped and ready to go, but no. Right now, he is scared. He won't show it because he doesn't want his opponent to know he's scared, but in reality, both of them are scared. What will dictate the fight is who is less scared. As they pass their opponent's dressing room, Jay spots a familiar face talking to a good looking redhead.

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