Authors Note

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Wassup bitches, thank you for reading my book, It really means a lot to me!

Okay so this story is going to be a teen romance as some of you may like to hear it's a "he saves her" kind of book.

Also, this story contains a lot of ups and downs throughout this whole thing. Sometimes I'll get bored and add something exciting because who likes a boring book? Fucking no one.

I also use a lot of mature languages to get my point across. I sometimes will act like a 3rd grader who finally gets away from their parents and they use a curse in every sentence.

Also, more about me is that I'm not really into the "weak" main character kind of vibe. So, I made her brave verbally just not physically. You will understand later on in the story.

Also, the "man" in this story does have a lot of character development, because who doesn't like toxic men? I know I do.

Also, I'm going to try to edit chapters as I go on because I don't have that kind of patience to wait until the end. So, I re-read chapters like 4 or 5 times.

I almost forgot I don't know how to write for shit this is all for fun!! But I do love to piss off the readers so don't hate me too much.

BIG INFO, don't ask if this will be a happy or sad ending because as I'm writing this I still don't know the answer to that question.

This setting takes place in a small town in Maine, the United States for the dumbasses out there.

This whole story setting is made up, there's not a town that exists, or if there is it's completely made up. Don't be upset about it. I know you guys are some dramatic bitches.

All love,
your dramatic ass author.

P.S I swear on Jesus Marry and Joesph if you steal anything from my book I will hunt you down like I'm Niklaus Mikaelson. That is a threat.

Sorry, you had to deal with that.

But I hope you enjoy my writing, tell me what I did wrong without pissing me off please, and thank you. Be very opinionated, please.

I'll love you even more.

Once again,
Your dramatic ass author.

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