Chapter thirteen- Speak your mind

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I'm woken by two knocks on my door. What the hell? I look at the time and I still have almost an hour before school even starts.

I roll out of bed, well I should say my bed It was exactly how I left it the last time I was here. I quickly put the sweatshirt I was wearing yesterday back on. Once I get out of this shitty town the first thing i'm going to do is buy some new goddamn clothes.

The knocking on the door comes back and I swing the door open. Elijah is leaning against the wall smiling. His teeth are so straight and pearly white, I swear there is a glisten.

I snap back into reality when I catch his mouth turn into a smirk. I look into his eyes and roll mine at him and close the door. Well I should say try to close the door, his hand is already pushing it open before I can even go back to bed.

"Don't roll your eyes at me sweetheart, let me make your eyes roll in those sheets of yours." He walked into the room and is leaning against the dresser. I try my best to ignore that comment and look in the closet if there's any spare clothing, Which there isn't. I'm going to have to walk around in bloody clothes.

"I have clothes for you, all you need to do is ask." I turn and look at him ready to tell him to get out, but I can't help but notice he's got a purple tint in his cheek, and his crossed arms are in a very awkward position. "Let me see ur arms" I walk towards the dresser he's leaning on.

His eyes go wide for a second and he shows me his wrists up to his elbow is all I can see. Then what was the deal with his arms looking so weird? "Don't like what you see?" He questions but there's a crack in his voice. I look at where his hands were touching him, and I press on his stomach. Besides the fact that I can feel a six pack under there, he winced.

I take my hands and reach for the bottom of the t-shirt to lift it up, but I cant help but feel my cheeks get a little red knowing what i'm going to see. "Getting a little turned on thinking of what you're going to see?" I look up at his face and I haven't wanted to hit him in his face this much since i've met him. "In your dreams" I reply and lift up his shirt.

He has insane bruising, spots that look recent to others that look weeks old. What the fuck is going on? "So you like to get your shit rocked for fun?" I look at him with so much anger that someone would do this for enjoyment. "It's not for fun, how do you think we afford stuff around here? Do you see my dad walking around? Don't you find it a little strange that three teenagers just own a house? Get a reality check Emilia and don't act like the world revolves around you and your pathetic feelings." Elijah picks my hands off his shirt and starts turning around and waking away. but he's not done yet. He turns back around "Wake the fuck up and stop acting like such a tough ass, I'm sick of you pretending like you know what everything is like around here. So just stop, I don't want to hear any of your opinions about what I do or how I act." Elijah continues walking and slams the door behind him.


What does someone do when they have no where else to go? They look back on there life and try to find the one person who helped them and try to remake such a moment. But the problem is I don't have any of those people. So I have no where to go, no where to be, and nothing to do.

So the best option is to go to school, through the window of course because I'm not talking to Elijah. I need to get a reality check? Who the fuck does he think he is? Why does he have to be so conceited? It just shows that he will truly never understand anything that has happened in my life. So, he can never be trusted. I say to myself In the mirror looking at my own bruises.

I put the bloody clothes on and try to wash them in the sink but nothing really happened. I grab the paper my father signed and I stuff it in my hoodie pocket, and I open the window and start taking the screen off. I take the screen and stuff it into the very empty closet and start climbing down.

I land on the ground and can feel the most recent scrape open. Shit. I make a run for the gate and slip out and start walking to the school. which was kind of weird to do because no one drove past me the whole time.

When I get to the school I walk right inside and go to the deans office as fast as humanly possible. I walk into the nurses office first and get a bandage for my stomach and ice for it as-well which felt amazing. I walk into Mr Kenny's office and I sit down and hand him the paper.

"Thank you Emilia. You can get back to school when you feel alight." He smiles at me. "Feel right about what?" I ask completely confused, but my words come out way before my mind processes what he said. "Your mom passing?" He says with a questionable tone. "Oh yes right sorry my head just hasn't been in the right place." I say and give him a smile. He nods his head and I get up and walk out of the office.

I hope Elijah still does this stupid party thing or else i'll really be screwed. I walk up to the front desk lady and ask if she can call down Caleb, I just have so many questions. She calls him down but I walk into the hallway and drag him out the doors of the school and I tell him to just follow me.

"I know you have a lot of questions, I can see you thinking of a way to say them all. But I cant tell you everything you want me to that's Elijah's job to do, it's his business. I just cant i'm sorry." Caleb stares at his feet as we walk. I just need to know why he does it and what the purpose is.

I look up from the ground and see Caleb staring at a car in-front of us horrified. It is a familiar black Bugatti you have got to be fucking kidding me. As we approach his car I can see the smoke that's coming out of his ears, His hands are white from how hard he's grabbing the steering wheel. If he thinks i'm getting into a car with him he's delusional.

I look at Caleb and he whispers "Give him a chance." Is all he says before he starts walking to the car. I grab his arm "did you hear what he said to me today? That's what I wanted to talk to you about." He nods his head, and walks to the car. But he's not quick enough Elijah is already outside of his car, with his hands in fists.

I quickly let go of Caleb's arm and realize that this looks a-lot more romantic than I ever intended for this to look. But I forgot that only I know that he's gay, so this looks a even worse.

Elijah is standing right in-front of us "Get in the fucking car Caleb." He walks to the car and Elijah just stares at me. I have nothing to say to him, my mind is completely blank as I stare into his eyes.

I think the reason I always walk away is because that has been what always happens to me. My sister left me, the foster system didn't do anything, I made Alice run for the hills because of me. Everyone just always leaves in the end so why do I stay when I could walk away first.

I don't think Elijah has anything to say, or he's waiting for me to say something. I mean considering he spoke his mind this morning, I should be the one to talk right? I look away from his eyes, and scan up and down the sidewalk, no one is around. I break the silence "Party still tonight?" He nods his head. He thinks that I'm fine with what he told me today, but he clearly doesn't know me well enough.

I walk away, like everyone has done to me. Hopefully tonight will be the last time I'm seeing him. Maybe I will go visit Sofia. But I have to pay this money off and then i'm getting the hell out of here.


1576 words

I know it's been awhile for me posting, almost two months, hopefully you can forgive me.

Summer is here so I've got nothing to do so I might post a lot more frequently!

-Not Busy Author

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