Chapter two- Why me?

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After I finish my grueling 30-minute walk to the library my shift finally started.

The owner Alice is a 60-year-old woman and is kind of a mother figure to me. She has a little bit of grey hair and is pretty short standing at 5'4.

When I arrive at the library she is already putting books away, So she doesn't realize me being 10 minutes late.

I'm about to start putting the cart of books that need to be put away when I feel a hand on my back.

"Oh hi dear, I didn't see you come into the library. I wanted to let you know that I'm changing the hours of the library. We will only be open Monday Wednesday and Friday. The same hours just not all the days." Alice explains. I'm so fucked. I can't go home where am I going to go Tuesdays and Thursdays?

"Are you sure Alice I mean I've been working here for years I can take care of the books Tuesdays and Thursdays if you want me to?" I say hoping I'll change her mind.

"Oh no dear, I think you need to get out more. You're always working I think my bones should rest for the extra days." I'm so fucked. What the hell can I do for 7 hours after school? Paige will get suspicious that I only want to hang out Tuesdays and Thursdays, she might not but I still need a plan B.

"It's okay really, I need the money for college and this is the best time to start saving up." I hope she buys my lie I really can't do anything without it for two days.

"Alright dear," Alice sighs "if you want to open the library and take care of it those two days I don't see why not" Thank you, Jesus Marry, and Joseph.

"I would love to," I say giving Alice a big hug, As I'm backing up my hood falls down my neck. My hood was attached to a stupid book corner.

Fuck. Shit. I'm so dead. I quickly turn to the side and begin to put the books away.

"Emilia, I might be old but I can see clear as day you have a black eye. What is this all about?" Alice explains grabbing my shoulder and spinning me around. She starts to press on my eye, I wince because of the pressure.

"It's nothing Alice don't worry your beautiful mind about it," I say sweetly hopefully keeping her mind off of it.

"I have known you for years, you think you can sweet talk me?" Alice grits out. "I think you have been into a fight is what I think this is," She says pointing to my eye and the scar on my face. Why does this have to happen out of all days?

"Alice, please just drop it," I say pleading. "Let me just clean it and make sure it's not infected." Alice sighs, taking my hand and leading me to the bathroom.

"Here." Alice hands me a wad of toilet paper to dab around my eye. "Thank you," I say.

After that whole mess, I look at the time and it's 5:27. Just in time for my lunch break.

I decided to get some of my homework done, I try and finish my world studies work. I finish pretty quickly because all I needed to do was read a chapter of the book.

I get back to work at around 6 and I spend the next four hours putting books away and replacing old ones.


After I put away the last couple of books I have, I can finally go home. it's 10:03 which is perfect timing.

I grab my school backpack and wave goodbye to Alice, She just gives me a stern look. Still mad about my eye, which has gotten better with whatever cream she put on it.

It's pretty chilly tonight, The cold weather of Maine finally kicking in, With it being September it is getting cold fast.

I have about two months to prepare before it's the coldest time of the year. I cross the street, and although there's no one on the road it seems kind of creepy.

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