Chapter nine: Demand

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I wake up in the spare bedroom that the guys gave me. It's grey and the furniture is white, it's already better than my last bedroom.

Speaking of my bedroom got me thinking about my "parents". I'm still only 17 could foster care come looking for me? What could I possibly tell the guys? 'Oh hey yeah I'm adopted so my abusive parents aren't my parents. Yeah, that will work.

I quickly get out of bed and realize I don't have any clothes. What was I thinking? I slept last night in my street clothes so I head to the room across from me, It's Elijah's so I quickly knock on the door and wait for him to let me in.

The door swings open and there stands Elijah with a toothbrush in his mouth with toothpaste dripping from it. "I need clothes" He looks me up and down, shrugs, and heads back into his room. A couple of seconds later he returns with sweatpants and a sweatshirt. This I guess will be fine.
"Thank you" I turn around and close my door.

I quickly get changed and head to the bathroom, I check the cabinets and find a hopefully not used toothbrush. I brush my teeth and comb through my hair with my fingers.

I'm walking out of my bedroom when the door is opening from the other side, I step out of the way and my eyes meet Elijah. He has really bad eye bags and he can barely keep his eyes open. "What are you doing in here?" He raises his eyebrow when he says it.

"Caleb told me to sleep here" I cross my arms "I'm leaving anyway" I go to walk past him and he sticks his arm out. "Where?" he questions.

"I don't know about you but I need the plan to get all of this taken care of and I  can't do that if I don't have the drugs in the first place," I say sarcastically. He drops his arm and lets me keep walking.

I head down the stairs and Caleb is in the kitchen so I walk past as quietly as I can, of course, he turns his head right when I'm about to walk out. "Where are you going?" "Out" is all I say and I walk out the front door.

Of course, he is following me now, and when I get out of the driveway his car is already driving next to me while I walk on the sidewalk. I can't seem to remember where I'm going because I honestly don't have any idea where I'm at.

"Get in," Caleb says at the red light. How long does it take for a goddamn light to change? "I will take you wherever you need to go." his face is now a worried expression. Of course, with my better judge meant I get into the car.

"Take a left" is all I say. We sit in silence and I quietly tell him the directions while staring out of the window hoping that Robert doesn't see me getting out of this car or he will go ballistic.

We finally pull up to the dreadful and creep-as-hell building. I told Caleb to stay in the goddamn car. I walk up to the door and knock, believe it or not, it's the same guy as last time. "Oh great..." He sarcastically says "Weren't you the girl I told last time that he was dangerous and you shouldn't mess with him?" He raises his left eyebrow but his right still rises.

"Yes, we agreed on the deal so I need to get the drugs so I can sell them," I say pushing the door open wider. Then I hear a car door slam. It's Caleb.

I turn around "I told you to stay in the fucking car" I snapped at him. I walk into the open door now and close it behind me. "please don't let him come inside" I say to the man.

I start walking to the room trying to memorize where to go. But I soon realize if I open any of these doors and see something I'm not supposed to they would kill me with not even a second thought.

"This way." the random guy says. I turn around and start walking toward him. He leads me to the complete opposite side of where I was going.

The guy opens the door and the drug dealer is sitting just staring at nothing. "If I'm going to sell the drugs, I need the drugs," I say when he finally looks up at me.

One of the guys who are standing next to him hands me a briefcase. "In there is all of it. Sell it by Sunday and deliver the money by Monday. Or you will be dead by Tuesday." I nod my head and turn around and walk out.

I open the front door and walk to Caleb's car and jump in. "Holy shit is that it?" Caleb starts to hyperventilate. I just nod my head and he starts driving.

When we get back to the house I tell Caleb to get Elijah and Aiden. All of them come downstairs at the same time. "It's time for the game plan" I smirk and open up the briefcase.

I look at what's inside and there is everything you can imagine. cocaine, weed, heroin, and a ton of opioids. "Let's get this party going then." Aiden reaches and try's to take an little bag of cocaine.

I slap his hand "if you intake any of this we're all dead so I suggest you relax and think about what you are doing unless you want to pay for it." I snap.

"We are doing the party on Friday and worse comes to worst I know a place that the rest will sell." Elijah takes a couple of steps forward and goes to the fridge.

"You need to come to school Emilia. Or else you won't graduate." Caleb then goes to the briefcase and closes it and locks it up. "Also put this where no one will find it" as he stares directly at Aiden.

I walk back up to the room I'm staying in and I hide the briefcase. Elijah walks inside and leans his hands on the door. His shirt rises a little and he catches me staring. "Can I help you?" I cross my arms. Then he looks at my now pushed up boobs, I immediately uncross my arms. He smirks and sits down on the end of my bed. "Why are you doing all of this?" He looks at me strangely like I have any other choice.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I sit next to him and stare right ahead. He just stares at me. "Me and the guys have the money, we will pay the crazy guys and get the hell out of this shitty ass town." I look at him. That is the best thing he has ever said to me.

"I have too much to do here. I can't pack up my life and leave, I don't want your charity." But as I say that I realize that there is nothing for me here. If I were to leave right now I would be free of my problems. Except I don't want to get murdered as they do in the movies, I think I'll pay them and drop everything and just leave. Hopefully, I can contact Alice and stay with her. That is what I will do and that is my new plan.

"It's not charity. It's making it so you can live as a normal teenager. So we all can live normally." He has been staring at me as thoughts race through my head. I've been doing this on my own my whole life. I'm not normal. nothing that has happened to me is normal.

"I'm going to pay the guy as we agreed and when it's all over, i will leave town." I say to him, something flashes through his eyes. Hurt? maybe I haven't known him long enough to piece together his feelings.

He mumbles okay and gets up and leaves. Right when he is about to exit the turns around "I've invited three hundred people to the party. You will go to school tomorrow. I'll take you in the morning." Then he closes the door. Three hundred people will do it, we just can't get busted.


1382 words

I know I haven't updated in months. I got super busy thank you guys for waiting I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I tried to get this out before the holidays but consider this a late gift.

Love ya

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