Chapter eight- Alot of choices

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They tried to follow me for a long time. I just can't, no one will help me, especially them. All they want to do is mark me off the list.

I kind of have an idea of where I'm going, I guess today is the day where I'll be going home since Alice left.

It's not that I have issues it's more the trio. I need to get back to my life and do the things I said I would do. Like selling Alice's apartment, working at the library, and now selling 10 grand worth of drugs without help.

I know that I turned him away, it's not that I want him to keep trying I just want him to do it for me because I need it. But now they probably know the whole story because of Caleb.

What the hell was I thinking of telling Caleb? I've kept it to myself for years now all of a sudden I can't keep my mouth shut.

I stop in my tracks when I see the door of my house is wide open, there are police cars out front. What are they doing here?

I run to the front door and walk inside. Immediately there is a smell of alcohol and weed.

I run upstairs to my room and there's a girl taking photos of the bathroom. "What the hell are you doing? Why are you in my house taking a picture of where I shit?" I stop towards her but then I look at what she is taking a picture of.

*Warning overdose*

My mother is laid on the ground with foam coming out of her mouth, her skin isn't as pale as before it's purple and blue, and there is a pool of vomit all around her and on her shirt.

I just stand there, I can't even think anymore. I can't feel my fingers or my toes, my heart feels like it's stopped beating, I can't breathe my lungs are burning. What the hell is going on?

I turn and look and my dad is standing there on his knees with his hands over his eyes, probably trying to cover up his high.

I look back at my now deceased mother, she only has a tank top and shorts on. I look at her arms and legs she has bruises just like me. I kneel beside her and feel her pulse on her wrist, but nothing.

I haven't shed a tear, isn't that weird? My only mother I will ever have is dead and I'm not even crying? She wasn't even murdered she killed herself and yet I'm not crying?

"Ma'am we have to drive you down to the station to get a statement," A grumbled voice says. It's like he's judging me in a way. He doesn't want to be here, so why is he?

"Get the fuck out of my house" I look up at him and he rolls his eyes and tries to walk away. I stand up and slap him right across the face.

"If you think you can roll your eyes at me when my dead mother is right next to me you have another thing coming you mother fucker, get the hell out of my house and go back where you came from," I scream in his face, I finally feel the wetness on my cheeks.

"Uh-uh... Sorry ma'am I didn't mean it. My apologies" The man stutters.

"Oh, so now when I put you in your place you get all defenseless? Get the fuck out of here" I turn back around and resume my crouched position next to my mother. I feel like an actual daughter.  

I look back at my dad and see where he was crouching was empty. Fuck, He's probably getting high right now. An elderly woman stands next to me.

Why did she have to get involved with drugs in the first place? Why couldn't I just help her? I look around the bathroom and there's a note right by the toilet.

I reach for the note, on it says Emilia Martinez. She never called me by my real last name. I didn't even think she knew what it was.

I slowly open the note, I try to at least some of it rips because I'm shaking. I can't do this. Not today. I fold the note back up when the elderly woman speaks.

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