Chapter twelve- Smokey cloudy eyes

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I need to get to Elijah's house and fast. I just need to make one goddamn call. There's no way I'm flying out to her, this money she gave me is plainly for my survival.

I'm trying to remember where they live I think I have a solid idea. All I need is his phone and ill be out. I don't need to talk to him I don't even want to look at him.

I get to what street I think he lives on, I don't know why I'm so nervous. I've seen him before so why am I so affected?

I walk to his front gate and there's a security guy just waiting there. When did they ever get security here? I walk up to the freakishly tall guy "Hi I'm here to see Elijah It will only be a few minutes."

"Elijah is busy and isn't home right now." He looks me up and down then smirks. Disgusting. "Where is he?" I ask him, I'm getting ready to smack this guy's stupid smirk on his face. "He's at the bar downtown. Now leave." you don't have to tell me twice.

I get out of there as soon as possible. Living in a small town means having one of everything. Even as an introvert I know that Elijah being here isn't going to be good. I hope he's just hanging out with the twins.

It takes a while for me to find my way to this place. But once you get close you just have to follow the blaring music, the smell of alcohol, and the lines of cars on each side of the road. There must be a huge event going on.

I am about to walk in when the bodyguard steps in my way. "You will need someone by your side if you decide to go in there. You aren't in any condition to be in there alone." He speaks to me, he has a very raspy and smelly mouth. "I'll be fine thanks" and I walk past him without another word.

When I walk into the bar there is no one there, just some old people sitting around. I can barely hear the music now but I follow it anyway. Every bone in my body is telling me to just go home and find a different phone. But I'm more curious about why he's here than the phone itself.

I walk towards the sound and smell and there is a door behind some curtains. I open the door and this is what the party is.

There are beer cans everywhere, waitresses wearing skimpy outfits, and everyone has crowded around in a circle yelling. I push past some people just wanting to see what this is about, when I look up there I lock eyes with a familiar set of grey.

What the hell is Elijah doing in a boxing ring? He gets a blow right in the stomach, he won't tear his eyes away from me. I look around to try and find the twins when I see them sitting in a booth counting cash.

I'm beyond pissed. What the hell is Elijah doing? My feet are planted I can't move, Im just staring at him. His opponent is standing right in front of him, Elijah punches him and he thumps on the ground.

In all the years I've lived here I have never seen this part of town. I can't even look at Elijah I'm just staring at the man who's knocked out on the floor. My ears start to ring and I can feel my stomach twist I've got to get out of here.

I turn around and try to find my way through the crowd and back up to the entrance of this place. The security guard is standing there shaking his head, "Cut it out, Rob." I know who that is but I can't even look at him right now. My world is spinning and I don't even know where to go.

"Emilia stop walking" and for some reason, I listen to him. Maybe it's because I'm crazy or I can hear the ring to his voice or I want to smack him so hard in the face for doing what he did. But I just stand there.

"Talking to you today didn't mean you have to follow me. One would find that creepy, but I find it very attractive." Elijah steps in front of me and puts his hand on my chin. He tilts my head up so I'm staring into the smokey cloudy eyes. "I need to leave," I say completely ignoring what he just said. I can't pick up my feet I'm just staring at him, at the sweat that's about to go into his eye, at the puff he has at his lips, the freckles that just appeared, at the way he's still breathing heavily.

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