Chapter five- Drowning

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"Where were you going?" Elijah questions. I can't get him involved with whatever that was. So I lie.

"It was nothing, I was getting up to go and see where you were" I replied laughing. I smile but it doesn't reach my eyes.

"Okay, So when are you going to ask me that question?" Elijah smirks. How do I tell him I want to throw a party and sell drugs and get 10 grand from it?

"Uhh, I don't know" I reply dryly. Partly because I don't know how to ask and it's going to be more awkward than this whole thing already is.

"How about I ask you a question first we can do like 20 questions." He suggests that's not too bad of an idea. So I agree.

"What happened when you showed up to school with a black eye," Elijah asks blankly. Nothing is laced with his tone, but his eyes tell a whole different story.

"Umm...Uhh," I scratch the back of my head. I don't even realize it but I'm biting down on my lower lip, Elijah doesn't fail to notice either. Elijah's eyes quickly snap back to mine with an eye brown raised. Shit, what do I say, fuck.

"I was walking home from the library and some guy came up to me and thought I was someone else after he punched me he apologized and walked away" I lie, and look down at my feet. I start to twiddle with my fingers and my leg starts to bounce. Why does he make me so nervous? I've been able to lie easily since I was a kid, it's kind of the only perk of having strict parents.

When I look up he doesn't say anything. But his eyes show pure anger. "I don't like to be lied to, beautiful. What happened?" For the first time in a long time, I was completely speechless. So, I just start filling the cracks in the mental wall.

"I didn't agree to this whole thing to end up being interrogated, you can believe what you want. Nothing else happened so either deal with that or I'm getting the fuck outta here." I state furiously. If he wants to second guess everything I do, why am I here?

"You agreed to play 20 questions, I'm asking you a question. It's not an interrogation, ask me any question you want. But you have to answer my questions truthfully." He sighs. "Just ask a different question," I state firmly, so he can't go back to that topic.

"Okay beautiful, what is your favorite color?" Elijah smirks.

"Easy grey" I respond not even a second later.

"Beautiful that's a shade, I'm taking like red or blue kind of colors" He chuckles.

"A shade can be a color, so grey is my favorite." I take a bite out of my bagel. "What are you doing Friday night?" I ask.

"Already trying to ask me out on a date? Here I thought that you didn't like to be around me" He smirks. I just glare at him "just answer the question" I laugh.

"It's the first football game of the season. That's all I'm doing." He raises an eyebrow "Why?"

"I need you to throw a party, I also need the majority of the school to attend" I hesitated. "Because you're the "king" of the school I thought you could easily make that happen," I smirk.

"So not only do you want to use me, but you also use my own words against me." he sighs. "I don't have an issue with being used by you, I just want something in return," Elijah smirks.

"And that would be?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I haven't decided yet. I have 4 days to think about it before this "party" you want to have." He beamed. So does that mean he agrees? "So you agree to have this party?" I try to clarify.

"Like I said I have 4 days to think about it. I'll let you know on Friday. But I need to know the reasoning behind it." He leans his head on his hands.

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