Chapter six- Fall apart

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After Alice walked onto the plane I couldn't hold it in anymore. My legs buckled and I broke down into sobs. She was the only reason I'm still here.

I'm on my knees my head in my hands, and wishing why me? why does this have to happen to me? why did my adoptive parents have to get high all the time?

The worst part is that I can't call her. That's the last thing I need is for someone to trace the call and find her. Who knows if by the time I pay off this debt she will still be alive?

My chest starts to hurt. I can hear my heart in my ears, people are starting to look at me. I just don't care. I can't care anymore, my only goal is to see Alice again.

My teeth start to clench because of the ache of my knees, my head starts to pound all over, and my eyes get heavy. I move my legs that have been numbed and I stand. I take one step at a time with my tears still flowing down my cheeks.

I didn't even hug her goodbye. What the fuck was I doing? I don't know when I'm going to see her next and I didn't hug her goodbye?

I make my way out of the airport. I grab Alice's keys hoping I still can drive. I never got my license I never had the money to pay for it.

I slowly try to remember what is gas and what is a break, also trying to remember what the letters mean with the gears.

I finally put my seat belt on and start reversing out of the parking spot. I then pull out of the parking lot and start to drive away. The only plus side of all of this is Alice gave me her car. She thought with winter coming it would be a safer option instead of walking. I gladly accepted the vehicle, of course, she doesn't know about my driving record. Or that there is no record.

I try to remember what stop to get off while I'm on the highway. The only thing I can think of is why not just keep driving? I mean worst comes to worst everyone I've ever known dies. But the only person who I would truly care about is Alice, and a part of me would be upset if Elijah died too.

So I guess you could say the only reason I didn't keep driving was for Elijah, he might never know but he either got me killed or saved. 75 25 percent chance. 75 of course being killed.

Alice also wanted me to live in her apartment for the time being. I think she was under the impression that it would only be a couple of weeks. But I can't accept the apartment, knowing her in whatever country she chose she would still pay for the apartment.

So I decided the best option would be to clear the whole thing out and give it back to the complex. I hope Alice wasn't planning on coming back because my excuse will be that she died.

Hopefully, telling people she died, would get anyone off her back. I hate to say it but I miss Paige and Elijah. More Elijah but I miss the girl talks with Paige and hanging out with her only on certain days when the library was closed.

I get off the highway and I'm about 20 minutes from home when I see Elijah's car in the parking lot of the café. I was about to go into the turning lane when I see a girl step out of his car. More specifically Paige, I mean I shouldn't be upset we talked like four times. I can't be mad at Paige because Elijah's not my boyfriend, but the stab in my heart just made me want to burst into tears.

I quickly pull out of the turning lane and speed to Alice's apartment. It's about 11:30 pm when I get to Alice's apartment.

I walk to her apartment number and unlock the door. I open the door slowly and flick the lights on. I look around the creepy apartment, there's a figure sitting on the couch just staring at me.

"What a wonderful place you have Emilia," a gruff voice said. I recognize the voice I just can't remember who it is. they continue "you had everyone believe that you were some abused girl when you have an apartment all to yourself, for someone as yourself you think you would lock the door. Or even mention how you live alone." He slowly gets up from the couch and walks toward me, but he stops just when he's about to step into the light so I can see who it is. 

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