Chapter 17: Office Cleaning

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I wake up in the infirmary at the Yggdmillennia compound. I must have actually passed out. People must have been a little worried since before I probably passed out, I made a small cut on my forehead to make it look worse. The cuts on the forehead look nasty but aren’t fatal. That’s a little wrestling trick. I get up and head up to my office. I sat down at my desk and spun around.

“So is now the time?” Khonshu says, sitting on the couch, wearing an all white suit. 

“Yup. Now is the time so get your popcorn ready, ladies and gentleman.” I say as I clap and rub my hands together. I spin and flip the carpet over revealing a hatch. I open that hatch and shout down the long corridor, “It’s time! Let’s get ready!” 

A pink haired woman, blue eyes, a scar across her face, wearing a brown choker collar almost attached to her dark pink captain vest that shows her big breasts, white pants, and long dark brown boots comes out of the hatch. “So I’m guessing I just sit in the chair?” 

“Yes. Then when Yggdmillenia walks in and the door shuts, you shoot him.”

“I got it.” She says as she pecks me on the cheek and sits down.

“Lord Yggdmillenia, I need to see you in my office. It is very important.” I say into the communication device.

“I am on my way.” He responds. As soon as he responds, I turn the lights off.

Yggdmillenia walks into my office and says, “Yo. You in here bro? You said you needed to see me. I’m about to l–”

A shot rings out through the office. As Yggdmillennia falls to his knees, I turn the lights on and reveal who shot him. She stands up and walks over to Yggdmillennia and says, “That was easy. Just like you said.” She kicks him in the face and picks him back up.

“I know. After doing this over 30 times, it becomes a habit.”

“What do you mean? How many times have you used this method?” He asks, coughing up some blood.

“This will be the twenty-seventh time you’ve asked me that.”

“What do you mean?” He asks again.

“That’s the twentieth time you asked me that question. I have counted the previous times you asked. Anyway, no more questions. Just so you know, Adachi will inherit most of the fortune except what I need for Ms. Drake’s Noble Phantasm.” I say, as I slide a hand down her cheek and take my fake glasses off.

“Congratulations. What’s your next step?” He asks as he coughs up more blood.

“Oh. That’s easy. I kill all your supporters and your Servant should dematerialize. I did let you ask one more question. Unfortunately, I now have to make this more painful.” I say as I stab Yggdmillennia through the back. “Tell me, do you know what it feels like to drown?” 

“No. What does it feel like?” He asks as I walk to the lake and tie his hands and legs and attach his legs to an anchor.

“A sailor friend of mine, named Samuel, told me it was like going home.” I said as I tossed Yggdmillennia in.

“Is that true?” Drake asked.

“No. He said it was agony. A living hell.” I said as we headed back to my office.

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