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"Ikaw ay tulad ng isang titi!" Tagalog was her native language.

"Speak English, Wyatt!" His was not.

How was she supposed to know he'd be home so soon?

"You don't get to come in here and act like you own the place!"

Wyatt was starting to get fed up with this fight.

"You can't just go snooping through my shit!" she screamed back.

It came as no shock when she came home to find her father hopped up on drugs. She never knew what he took, but she never bothered to find out, either.

She was surprised, however, to catch him raiding her room. Slightly surprised.

This was a pretty normal occurrence for him, but it was never appreciated. Now she'd have to clean up the mess he made in her room, again.

"This is my house!" her father shouted. "You think I let you live here for free? After everything I've done for you?"

Wyatt rolled her eyes, frustrated with the situation. She dug her palms into her eyes to try and soothe the oncoming headache. "There's nothing for you to take."

"I know you got money here," her father growled, to which Wyatt rolled her eyes.

"Not here," she corrected. "I'd never be stupid enough to leave it lying around for you to find and steal."

This only made her father, Adrian, angrier. He grabbed her shoulders and shoved her against the wall, grabbing the collar of her shirt and getting in her face.

"Where is it?"

"Not telling," she defended.

As Adrian raised his arm, his daughter tensed. Wyatt only closed her eyes, waiting for the sting.

But the pain never came. She opened her eyes, confused until she saw the look on her father's face. She recognized it – she'd held it herself. Not one of rage, but one of sadness and longing.

Adrian lowered his arm. "You look just like your mother."

With a sigh, Wyatt lowered her head to stare at the floor as her father let go of her collar and left the room. She missed her mom, but she was almost glad she left.

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