𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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Before the crew could hop in the Twinkie and race to the private landing strip to try and stop Ward from flying away with their gold, JJ told the Pogue's he needed to grab something from his house. Wyatt volunteered to go with him to "keep him out of trouble."

That didn't ease anyone's worries.

Wyatt waited outside by the front door impatiently while JJ ran inside. She thought he was taking longer than necessary. He's only looking for the gun, right? Don't tell me he lost it.

Luckily, that was not the case. JJ hurried back out, catching Wyatt by surprise with his beaming smile and sense of urgency.

"Why do you look like that?" she asked with a frown before he gripped her shoulders.

To say she was confused would be an understatement.

"Look at this!"

JJ shoved what looked like a notice into her hands and pointed at it insistently.

"Look at it!"

"Okay, I'm looking. Calm down," she said, lowering her confused gaze to read the paper.

He didn't wait for her to get very far. Wyatt guessed her reading was too slow for his excitement.

"It says someone anonymously paid the thirty grand I owed," his grin somehow widened. "I'm off the hook for restitution!"

Wyatt smiled at his elation, trying to act surprised. "That's great, Jay!"

He hugged her quickly and tightly, shaking back and forth with excitement before letting go so he could theorize.

"Who do you think it was?"

"I don't know," Wyatt said hurriedly, "but we should really get back to John B's. We have another focus right now."

"Yeah, yeah," he nodded, quickly starting to walk in the direction of the Château with Wyatt right behind him. "Walk and talk. You got any ideas?"

"It was done anonymously, so they probably didn't want you to know it was them," she shook her head, slowly sounding out 'anonymously' so she didn't mess it up.

"Duh," he said. "I still wanna know who it is."

"Why do you care so much?"

"Why don't you?" JJ stopped again and turned to Wyatt with a frown, which deepened after staring at her a moment. "Wait, did you have something do with it?"

"Pshh, what would make you think that?" She smiled nervously. "You think if I had all that cash laying around I'd still be living here and stealing groceries?"

𝐔𝐩 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦 | Outer BanksWhere stories live. Discover now