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The next morning, the Pogues were, once again, out on the boat, drifting aimlessly around the docks after picking everyone up. John B was driving, JJ was sat up on the bow, Pope was relaxing on a bench, and Kie and Wyatt were playing rock, paper, scissors.

JJ whistled to gain the group's attention. "You guys see that? That's the Malibu 24-MXZ, the world's finest wakesetter. Number one in luxury, quality, and performance."

"I'd kill to get my grimy little hands on one of those," Wyatt sighed longingly. "How much you think it costs, Jay?"

The boy turned back and tilted his head. "200k, easy."

"We picked the wrong parents," Pope pouted.

"I hate to break it to you guys," Kie butted in, "but that's Topper and his girlfriend."

The two boats sailed past each other, the Kook princess giving the crew of Pogues a once over as they passed.

"You don't have to act like you don't see us, bitch," Kie muttered, not so quietly.

"Maybe that hostility is exactly why she doesn't say 'hi' to us," Wyatt offered.

"Yeah," the girl scoffed. "That, or she's just a stuck up rich bitch with an asshole for a boyfriend."

Wyatt sighed with a grimace. "Yeah, or that."

"Alright, so what's the plan, JB?" Pope asked, breaking the awkward silence that had enveloped the boat.

"So, we'll head back to my house," John B started. "Grab the Twinkie, and head to the hotel JJ works at."

"Why?" Kie asked.

The boy smirked. "You'll see when we get there, Kie. Where's your sense of adventure?"

John B steered the HMS Pogue towards the Château. JJ and Wyatt hopped out to tie it to the dock once they got there.

The crew piled into the Twinkie, but not before JJ ran inside to grab some beers. You've Got the Heat by Luster was blasting on the radio as they drove, the mood high.

The drive from the Château to the hotel on Figure Eight took about twenty minutes, and the Pogues were fired up by the time John B pulled the van to park.

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